
  • Marize Alves Peixoto Macedo da Silva UNIG - Universidade Iguaçu
  • Lívia Cabral Lobo UNIG - Universidade Iguaçu




ealth. Homeopathy. Pharmaceutical Specialty. Systemic Therapy. Therapeutic Proposal.


: Homeopathy was motivated, in 1796, by Christian Hahnemann and offers the principles of healing by others, of experience in a healthy person, the precept of single, diluted and dynamized medication. In Brazil, homeopathy was introduced in 1840, being admitted as a medical specialty in 1980, and as a pharmaceutical specialty in 1992. The fact that medications have extremely diluted doses is one of the reasons that make its acceptance more difficult. therapy by the community. However, the scientific area has received important evidence, mainly as a complementary approach, based on vitalism, in a health care model outlined in a transdisciplinary way, in the search for comprehensive care. In examining this situation, this study highlights the following research problem: is homeopathy an effective therapeutic proposal? The general objective is to identify the main features of homeopathy. With regard to the establishment of specific objectives, the following are evident: to verify, from a historical perspective, homeopathy from its proposal by Hahnemann to Sankaram's contemporary vision; investigate the use of homeopathy in Brazil, as well as its inclusion in the health care system; analyze the scientific evidence on homeopathy in the world and in Brazil. The Narrative Literature Review, also known as Literature Review, is the methodological procedure defined for this research, with emphasis on the evaluation of questions about the adoption of homeopathy grow, mainly due to the perception of its virtues as a systemic therapy, with few effects adverse effects and the issue of cost and benefit, and partially due to distrust of conventional medicine.


Author Biographies

Marize Alves Peixoto Macedo da Silva, UNIG - Universidade Iguaçu

Bacharelanda em farmácia pela Universidade Iguaçu (UNIG).  E-mail: marizeapmacedodasilva@yahoo.com


Lívia Cabral Lobo, UNIG - Universidade Iguaçu

Mestre em Ciências de Tecnologia de Processos Químicos e Bioquímicos pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Professora assistente no Departamento de Farmácia da Universidade Iguaçu (UNIG). Orientadora do trabalho. Email: livia.cl@hotmail.com.



How to Cite

Silva, M. A. P. M. da ., & Lobo, L. C. . (2021). HOMEOPATHY AS A THERAPEUTIC PROPOSAL: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(10), 2009–2034. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v7i10.2720