
  • Thais Felipe de Sousa Universidade Paulista Brasília
  • Willer Werneck Xavier Barroso Universidad Europea del Atlántico




Stress. Workplace. Burnout. Military Police.


The impact that continued stress on the work environment has for the professionals negative consequences for their work and personal life. The military police is a group of professionals who meet daily under the effect of stressors. The objective is to analyze the main causes and consequences of these stressor elements in military police, identifying what the institutions present as primary and secondary preventions, pointed out in the results of research published in the last decade. The method used was the bibliographic review, based on the analysis of the results of 17 published studies, 14 (cross-sectional) 03 (literature review), which enabled a more comprehensive view of the theme. The contribution to understanding that the constant struggle of the professional to deal with the devastating influence that the continued stress, present in the work environment or in the relationships established in it, leads to the establishment of the Burnout Syndrome. The consequences are usually aggravated, because in the absence of primary care - when the first signs and symptoms appear, necessary intervention proposals are not presented, being perceived by the institutions only in the aggravation of cases. This problem confirms the importance of developing more studies in the area, as evidenced in the analysis of the results, that this aggravation and commitment of these individuals has repercussions on professional and family life. It is considered that the objectives were achieved, due to the contribution of bringing to discussion some aggravating-stressors identified in the analysis of the results: daily living with violence and death, exhaustive work routine, inequality in the issue of gender (female), social devaluation and professional, lack of collaborative space, work tools that leave something to be desired in quality and quantity, and others. Psychology as a science that focuses on human behavior and its interactions. And, encourages broadening of studies and reflection on ensuring the physical and mental health of professionals who take care of citizen security.

Author Biographies

Thais Felipe de Sousa, Universidade Paulista Brasília

Graduada em Psicologia pela Universidade Paulista Brasília (2020); Psicóloga inscrita no CRP/01 sob o nº 01/23796; Formação em Sexologia Forense pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Goiás (2020). E- mail: admsousa97@gmail.com.

Willer Werneck Xavier Barroso, Universidad Europea del Atlántico

Psicólogo especialista em Terapia Cognitiva Comportamental, pós-graduando em Neuropsicologia pelo Instituto Brasiliense de Análise do Comportamento (IBAC) e mestrando em psicologia Clínica e da Saúde pela Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO)/Fundação universitária Iberoamericana (FUNIBER)



How to Cite

Sousa, T. F. de ., & Barroso, W. W. X. . (2021). SÍNDROME DE BURNOUT RELACIONADA AO IMPACTO DO ESTRESSE NA VIDA DO POLICIAL MILITAR . Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(10), 1740–1763. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v7i10.2696