
  • Lhorena Paula da Silva Lourenço Faculdade única.
  • Elaine Miranda Padilha Duarte Faculdade Única Ipatinga
  • Barbara Xavier Barbosa Martins Faculdade única
  • Débora Cristina Rodrigues Sousa faculdade única de Ipatinga
  • Doris Cristina Freitas Dolabela Faculdade Única
  • Shenia Miranda Ribeiro Graduação em biomédica Única Ipatinga
  • Rayka Alves Fernandes Faculdade Única Ipatinga
  • Luiz Fernando Alves dos Reis Faculdade Única de Ipatinga



Mesotherapy localized Fat.adipose tissue.


The market demand for aesthetic procedures has shown a progressive growth, since it offers the consumer a variety of therapeutic resources aimed at body harmonization and personal satisfaction. Resources such as mesotherapy that facilitates the lipolysis process have been increasingly sought after, since the increase in body fat, especially localized, contributes to low self-esteem, directly interfering in the quality of life. This work aims to conduct a literature review on the effectiveness of using mesotherapy in the treatment of localized fat. To achieve the proposed objectives, exploratory bibliographic research with a descriptive character was used as a methodological resource, based on documents extracted from virtual data Scientific Electronic Library Online (Sciello), Google academic and other scientific sites, to obtain articles, theses, monographs, dissertations and books involved in the proposed theme. The keywords used for the research were: mesotherapy, localized fat, adipose tissue, hypodermis, lipolytic action, adipocyte metabolism. Mesotherapy using lipolytic substances, amino acids, vitamins, promotes the breakdown of triglycerides and the release of free fatty acids in adipose tissue, with a significant decrease in body biometrics quickly and safely. It is up to the qualified biomedical doctor to determine the indicated therapy and the substances to be used through the individual assessment of each patient.

Author Biographies

Lhorena Paula da Silva Lourenço, Faculdade única.

Graduanda de Biomedicina/ Faculdade única. E-mail:

Elaine Miranda Padilha Duarte, Faculdade Única Ipatinga

Graduanda de Biomedicina na Faculdade Única Ipatinga. E-mail:

Barbara Xavier Barbosa Martins, Faculdade única

Graduanda de Biomedicina faculdade única. E-mail:

Débora Cristina Rodrigues Sousa , faculdade única de Ipatinga

[1] Graduanda na faculdade única de Ipatinga. E-mail:

Doris Cristina Freitas Dolabela, Faculdade Única

Graduanda de Biomedicina / Faculdade Única. E-mail:

Shenia Miranda Ribeiro, Graduação em biomédica Única Ipatinga

Graduação em biomédica Única Ipatinga. E-mail:

Rayka Alves Fernandes, Faculdade Única Ipatinga

Graduanda de Biomedicina na Faculdade Única Ipatinga. E-mail:

Luiz Fernando Alves dos Reis, Faculdade Única de Ipatinga

Professor do curso de Biomedicina da Faculdade Única de Ipatinga.



How to Cite

Lourenço, L. P. da S. ., Duarte, E. M. P. ., Martins, B. X. B. ., Sousa , D. C. R. ., Dolabela, D. C. F. ., Ribeiro, S. M., … Reis, L. F. A. dos . (2021). THE EFFECTS OF ELECTROPOLYSIS IN THE TREATMENT OF LOCALIZED FAT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(8), 593–601.