
  • Diene Cristina Araújo Rodrigues Faculdade São Lucas
  • Josineide Ribeiro de Oliveira Carvalho Faculdade São Lucas
  • Delner do Carmo Azevedo Faculdade São Lucas



Bullying. ECA. Criminal law. Civil law.


The study in question investigates the legal treatment of bullying from a criminal and civil perspective in the context of Brazilian law. Initially, the work offers a definition of bullying, highlighting the difficulties of conceptualizing this form of violence in the Brazilian reality and in the Portuguese language. The challenge of defining the correct term is its complex nature, which involves repetitive acts of physical, verbal or psychological violence, often subtle but deeply impactful. Next, research identifies infractions that may be equivalent to bullying according to the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA), establishing a connection between bullying practices and existing legal provisions. The study also analyzes how the Brazilian Penal Code and Civil Code can be applied to bullying situations, considering both the criminal consequences and civil reparations that may be relevant to the parties involved. The justification for carrying out this study is based on the growing concern about quality of life, a widely debated topic in today's society, where bullying presents itself as an antagonistic problem that deserves attention. The research is bibliographic in nature, focusing on the analysis of doctrine and instruction to provide a solid theoretical basis on the topic. In the end, the study not only critically examines the current treatment of bullying in the Brazilian legal context, but also suggests new approaches to tackling this problem criminally and civilly, proposing ideas that can serve as a basis for future discussions and reflections in the legal sphere.

Author Biographies

Diene Cristina Araújo Rodrigues, Faculdade São Lucas

Acadêmica do curso de Direito, Faculdade São Lucas. 

Josineide Ribeiro de Oliveira Carvalho, Faculdade São Lucas

Acadêmica do curso de Direito, Faculdade São Lucas.

Delner do Carmo Azevedo, Faculdade São Lucas

Orientador no curso de Direito, Faculdade São Lucas. Especialista em direito administrativo e gestão pública. 



How to Cite

Rodrigues, D. C. A., Carvalho, J. R. de O., & Azevedo, D. do C. (2024). TREATMENT OF BULLYING ACCORDING TO BRAZILIAN LEGISLATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(10), 3044–3057.