
  • Karen Danielle Carbajal Alvarado ANCLIVEPA
  • Rhanfley Soares Emmer de Albuquerque ANCLIVEPA



Dogs. Cutaneous mast cell tumor. Surgical procedure.


This study was to describe a case report on the care procedures for a patient with canine cutaneous mast cell tumor. And the specific objectives were: to describe veterinary procedures for a patient with cutaneous mast cell tumor; emphasize the surgical steps for removing cutaneous mast cell tumors; and discuss the pathology and its measurement in dogs. This was a case report of canine surgery, on a 7-year-old patient, an uncastrated male weighing 18 kg. Surgery to remove the mast cell tumor was performed with adequate safety margins to minimize the risk of recurrence. The procedure included excision of the tumor with margins of 3 cm and two fascial planes, in addition to a popliteal lymphadenectomy to evaluate possible metastases. Post-operatively, specific care was essential for the patient's recovery, with the administration of analgesic and anti-inflammatory medication, as well as antibiotics to prevent infections and alleviate discomfort. Management of the surgical wound included the use of surgical clothing to protect the area, and the owner was instructed on the importance of monitoring the healing process.

Author Biographies

Karen Danielle Carbajal Alvarado, ANCLIVEPA

Médica Veterinária, pós-graduanda em Cirurgia de Tecidos Moles de Cães e Gatos ANCLIVEPA-SP: Pós-Graduação em Veterinária.

Rhanfley Soares Emmer de Albuquerque, ANCLIVEPA

Mestre pela Universidade de Vassouras e docente/orientador do curso de Cirurgia de Tecidos Moles de Cães e Gatos ANCLIVEPA-SP: Pós-Graduação Em Veterinária. 



How to Cite

Alvarado, K. D. C., & Albuquerque, R. S. E. de. (2024). CUTANEOUS MASTOCYTOMA IN DOGS: CASE REPORT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(9), 3459–3470.