
  • Maria Eduarda de Sousa Cabral
  • Roberto Matheus Alves Moura UNINOVAFAPI
  • Caio César Silva França UNINOVAFAPI
  • Marta Rosado de Oliveira Campos UNINOVAFAPI
  • Thiago Lima Monte UNINOVAFAPI



Brackets. Orthodontic Treatment. Incisors. Dolichofacial.


Long face is a deformity with skeletal involvement that generally has an unfavorable aesthetic prognosis. Therefore, orthodontic treatment in these patients with a pronounced vertical facial growth pattern is quite challenging, as the expected results are more difficult to achieve. This study aims to investigate, through an integrative literature review, ideal bracket prescriptions for incisors in long-faced patients. It is an integrative literature review with a qualitative approach, involving a search for articles in the LILACS, SSCIELO, and PUBMED databases using the descriptors "Brackets," "Orthodontic Treatment," "Incisors," and "Dolichofacial," and the Boolean operators AND and OR. Articles directly addressing the topic of incisor positioning were included, while narrative reviews, as well as abstracts in conference proceedings and editorials, were excluded. Thirteen studies were selected, demonstrating that using brackets with reduced angulation for the canines and upper incisors, as well as zero angulation for the lower premolars, is recommended. The standard inclination should be maintained for the incisors, as their position in the bone base usually does not undergo significant changes when evaluated in relation to the occlusal plane. Thus, the long face should be approached according to its specificities, particularly related to the position of the incisors, and there are available mechanics to facilitate the orthodontist's work, including the Capelozza protrusive minus prescription, which already comes with specific mechanics for this type of pattern.

Author Biographies

Maria Eduarda de Sousa Cabral

Graduanda de Odontologia.

Roberto Matheus Alves Moura, UNINOVAFAPI

Graduando de Odontologia.

Caio César Silva França, UNINOVAFAPI

Mestrado em ciências e saúde. Cirurgião dentistas - UFPI Professor. UNINOVAFAPI.

Marta Rosado de Oliveira Campos, UNINOVAFAPI

Mestrado em ciências e saúde. Cirurgião dentistas - UFPI Professor. UNINOVAFAPI.

Thiago Lima Monte, UNINOVAFAPI

Doutor em Ortodontia pela São Leopoldo Mandic  - Campinas. Orientador. Professor. UNINOVAFAPI.





How to Cite

Cabral, M. E. de S., Moura, R. M. A., França, C. C. S., Campos, M. R. de O., & Monte, T. L. (2024). IDEAL BRACKET PRESCRIPTION FOR INCISORS IN LONG-FACED PATIENTS . Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(9), 321–334.