


Psychomotor. Implementation. Stimulation. Enrichment. Phylogenetic. Ontogenetic. Gravitational. Motor. Biopsychosocial and psychomotor.


The investigation of the child's evolutionary process and the identification of problems related to its development psychomotor facilitate the precocious intervention in evolutionary back payments and the implementação of estimulação programs for children with development disturbances, in risk, or only with the intention of enriquecimento of the atmosphere estimulador. The formal objective of the precocious intervention is to reduce the negative effects of a history of high risk, that usually it characterizes the faulty children's evolution or of risk; because a lot of children suffered the influence of impoverished existences, in the family middle and in atmospheres as creches and schools.The precocious identification of deviations of the development demands that it is approached the acquisitions fundamental filogenéticas of the human species and the child's acquisitions ontogenéticas simultaneously, putting at stake an evolutionary perspective of its development.  organization human psicomotora includes, in first place, the motive organization of base and, later on, the organization proprioceptiva, suspension of the reflexes, products of the maturation mesencefálica and medular; the organization of the plan motor, the melody of the movement, the enriquecimento gnóstico, the socialização, products of the maturation talâmica; the automation, the rhythm, the space, the language, the perception of the body, products of the maturation cortical.A hierarchization of the human, that expressed motricidade an evolution filogenética and ontogenética, from the balance gravitacional to the global motricidade, and of this for the fine motricidade, that is to say, from the macro motricidade to personal computer motricidade, it represents something of great meaning for understanding of the evolution of the species and, in certain measure, it is á base of the child's development biopsicosocial. The organization and hierarchization psicomotora, the relationship of the child's práxia with the environment provides the existence of every range of relationships that you/they result in sensorial-motive explorations, coordination I seek motive, I space perceptive-motor, balance, time, rhythm, language and corporal outline; besides the importance of an atmosphere with opportunities of social, sensorial and affective experiences. 

Author Biographies

Paloma Mariane Silva, Christian Business University

Mestranda em ciências da educação – Christian Business University. Professora da rede estadual e municipal de MG. Graduada em Pedagogia com habilitação em Supervisão  pela Faculdade São Lourenço.2007. Graduada em Biblioteconomia e Educação Especial pela Faculdade Unisanta. 2022 e 2023

Diógenes José Gusmão Coutinho, UFPE

PhD in biology From UFPE. UFPE.



How to Cite

Silva, P. M., & Coutinho, D. J. G. (2024). PSYCHOMOTRICITY AS AN INSTRUMENT IN THE LITERACY PROCESS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(8), 2235–2250.