
  • Jucinei Queiroz Costa ESBAM
  • Débora Alves Morra Loures Loures UNICARIOCA
  • Guelly Urzêda de Mello Rezende Universidad de La Integracion de Las Américas
  • Maria Angélica Dornelles Dias Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Elisângela Dias Brugnera FEEVALE
  • Adriano Valter Dornelles Dias UNEMAT



Educational technology. Instructional design. ADDIE methodology. DICTs. Technological integration.


This article investigated the integration between technology and pedagogical methods in the context of instructional design, with the aim of analyzing how Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs) can enrich the teaching and learning process. The relevance of this study arises from the need to understand the potential and challenges imposed by rapid technological evolution in the educational environment. A bibliographic research methodology was used, according to Amaral (2007), which involved the analysis and synthesis of existing literature on the topic to understand current theories and practices, as well as to establish connections between different perspectives and academic evidence. The main authors cited include Santos and Barros (2020), who discussed the ADDIE methodology in instructional design; Lins (2016), who highlighted the importance of virtual audiovisual resources; and Guimarães et al. (2023), who examined the complementary role of TDICs in distance learning. The study also addressed ethical considerations and organizational challenges in adopting new technologies, as identified by Silva et al. (2014). The conclusion of the study emphasized the need for an ethical and careful approach to the integration of technologies in instructional design, highlighting that such tools should complement and not replace fundamental human interactions in the educational process. The article suggests continued research to explore the long-term impacts of technologies on education.

Author Biographies

Jucinei Queiroz Costa, ESBAM

Especialista em Educação Matemática pela Escola Superior Batista do Amazonas (ESBAM)

Débora Alves Morra Loures Loures, UNICARIOCA

Mestra em Novas Tecnologias Digitais Na Educação pelo Centro Universitário Carioca (UNICARIOCA)

Guelly Urzêda de Mello Rezende, Universidad de La Integracion de Las Américas

Doutoranda em Administração pela Universidad de La Integracion de Las Américas (UNIDA)

Maria Angélica Dornelles Dias, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel)

Elisângela Dias Brugnera, FEEVALE

Pós-Doutoranda em Diversidade Cultural e Inclusão Social pela Universidade Feevale (FEEVALE)

Adriano Valter Dornelles Dias, UNEMAT

Mestre em Letras pela Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso (UNEMAT)



How to Cite

Costa, J. Q., Loures, D. A. M. L., Rezende, G. U. de M., Dias, M. A. D., Brugnera, E. D., & Dias, A. V. D. (2024). THE FUTURE OF TEACHING: EXPLORING INTEGRATIONS BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY AND PEDAGOGICAL METHODS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(8), 692–705.