
  • Yara Kirya Brum Facultad Interamericana de Ciências Sociales
  • Andreza de Oliveira Franco Santos Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte image/svg+xml
  • Antonio José Ferreira Gomes Facultad Interamericana de Ciencias Sociales
  • Antonio Pinheiro de Rezende Miami University of Science and Technology- USA
  • Ilça Daniela Monteiro Tomaz Interamericana de Ciencias Sociales
  • Janete Sousa Lopes Rodrigues Universidade Nacional de Rosário, Argantina
  • Letícia Furtado Titon Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO)



Educational Technology. Autism. Assistive Technology. Inclusive Education. Active Methodologies.


This bibliographic review examined the use of educational technologies in teaching students with autism spectrum disorder. The central research problem addressed the effectiveness of these technologies and how they can be integrated into current pedagogical practices to benefit this specific audience. The main objective was to analyze the application of assistive and digital technologies in the educational process of these students, highlighting the effectiveness of these tools in supporting learning and inclusion. The methodology used was the bibliographic review, with data collection from academic articles, theses, and dissertations that discussed the implementation and results of using technologies in the educational context for autism. The results indicated that technologies such as augmentative communication software, adaptive mobile devices, and virtual reality significantly contribute to the development of communicative and social skills, in addition to promoting personalized teaching. The conclusions highlighted the need for further studies to assess the systematic implementation of these technologies and the importance of training educators to maximize their potential.

Author Biographies

Yara Kirya Brum, Facultad Interamericana de Ciências Sociales

Doutoranda em Ciências da Educação, Facultad Interamericana de Ciências Sociales (FICS)

Andreza de Oliveira Franco Santos, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Especialista em Tecnologias Educacionais e Educação a Distância Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN).

Antonio José Ferreira Gomes, Facultad Interamericana de Ciencias Sociales

Mestrando em Ciências da Educação, Facultad Interamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FICS)

Antonio Pinheiro de Rezende, Miami University of Science and Technology- USA

Mestrando em Tecnologias Emergentes em Educação, Miami University of Science and Technology (MUST) . 

Ilça Daniela Monteiro Tomaz, Interamericana de Ciencias Sociales

Doutoranda em Ciências da Educação, Facultad Interamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FICS)

Janete Sousa Lopes Rodrigues, Universidade Nacional de Rosário, Argantina

Doutoranda em Educação, Universidade Nacional de Rosário.

Letícia Furtado Titon, Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO)

Mestranda em Educação, Formação de Professores, Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO). 



How to Cite

Brum, Y. K., Santos, A. de O. F., Gomes, A. J. F., Rezende, A. P. de, Tomaz, I. D. M., Rodrigues, J. S. L., & Titon, L. F. (2024). THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING STUDENTS WITH AUTISM. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(7), 2149–2164.