
  • Maria Elisa Vaz de Faria UNINQ
  • Marcia Guaraciara de Souza Borba UNINQ



Autism. Information. Causes.


This article sought to discuss the possible causes of autism, a disorder characterized by numerous behavioral and cognitive impairments, which compromises physical, psychological, emotional and social abilities and whose etiology has not yet been defined. Given the growing public interest in the issue of autism, the exponential increase in diagnoses of the disorder, and the search for more information on the subject, a deeper study of its possible causes has become essential. The present work aims to help fill this gap to contribute to the diagnosis and guide possible actions to be taken, both for inclusion and to improve the quality of life of those affected by Autism Szpectrum Disorder. The search was  carried out using the keywords Autism and causes, associated, or Autism separately, with documents that presented these terms in the title and/or abstract being considered valid.The search sources were restricted to digital materials available on the University of São Paulo (USP) website; on the website, as well as on the SCIELO website.The material collection periods were between 2015 and 2024, and this limitation was established for the materials reviewed. A screening was carried out, selecting only materials directly related to knowledge of the disorder and its respective causes and that met the established objective.

Author Biographies

Maria Elisa Vaz de Faria, UNINQ

Mestranda em Intervenção em Dificuldades de Aprendizado pela UNINQ. Coordenadora de Pós-graduação do Cesufi Educacional

Marcia Guaraciara de Souza Borba, UNINQ

Orientadora de Mestrado da UNINQ.



How to Cite

Faria, M. E. V. de, & Borba, M. G. S. (2024). AUTISM AND ITS POSSIBLE CAUSES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(6), 3097–3104.