
  • Ian Vitor Alves Medeiros Universidade Estadual do Tocantins - UNITINS
  • Jaqueline de Kássia Ribeiro de Paiva Universidade Estadual do Tocantins – UNITINS




Terrorism. Violence. National security.


Triggering fear, panic and fear, terrorism is a phenomenon that has haunted the population for thousands of years, promoting chaos and tragedy in communities around the world. Known for acts of violence against human beings, with the aim of spreading terror and achieving religious, ideological or political objectives, terrorism represents a challenge not only to national security, but also to the fundamental values ​​of a society. In a globalized and constantly evolving world, terrorism has grown at an alarming rate, diversifying its forms and methods. This forces countries to face new challenges and provide effective responses to this threat that afflicts civilians. In this context, the present article aimed to analyze the concept of terrorism, understanding its historical and legal evolution, with an emphasis on identifying and examining Brazilian laws that deal with this topic, in order to verify how terrorism is approached in the legal context of Brazil. The study was developed through a bibliographical review and showed that the phenomenon of terrorism has undergone significant transformations throughout history. The analysis of Brazilian laws revealed the country's solid commitment to preventing and combating terrorism, highlighting the adherence to several important international treaties and the promulgation of specific legislation, such as Law No. 13,260/2016, known as the Anti-Terrorism Law.

Author Biographies

Ian Vitor Alves Medeiros, Universidade Estadual do Tocantins - UNITINS

Acadêmico do curso de Direito da Universidade Estadual do Tocantins – UNITINS, Câmpus Dianópolis/TO.

Jaqueline de Kássia Ribeiro de Paiva, Universidade Estadual do Tocantins – UNITINS

Doutora em Direito pela Universidade Estácio de Sá (UNESA). Mestra em Gestão de Políticas Públicas pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT). Graduada em Ciências Jurídicas pela Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas de Gurupi (FAFICH). Professora do Curso de Direito da Universidade Estadual do Tocantins – UNITINS, Câmpus Dianópolis/TO. 



How to Cite

Medeiros, I. V. A., & Paiva, J. de K. R. de. (2024). TERRORISM THROUGH THE CENTURIES: A HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF ITS LAWS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(6), 2945–2961. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v10i6.14608