
  • Suellen Rebeca Rodrigues Lima Faculdade São Lucas
  • Uérlei Magalhães de Morais Faculdade São Lucas




Labor law. Outsourcing. Impacts on work relationships. Law nº13. 429/17 and nº 13. 467/17. The STF’s understanding.


Outsourcing and its impacts on labor relations are topics of wide discussion, especially after the legislative changes that legalized the outsourcing of all business activities. Initially, outsourcing was implemented to specialize services, increase quality and reduce business costs. The objective is to investigate the effects on labor relations resulting from the flexibility implemented with the approval of these laws and how such changes could harm workers' rights. However, the lack of specific legislation and adequate supervision allowed this practice to be used mainly to reduce labor expenses and avoid paying social rights. The STF's understanding that outsourcing is lawful, the main legislative changes, such as Law 13,429/2017 and Law 13,467/2017, expanded outsourcing to all activities, whether they are means or ends, bringing new dynamics to labor relations. These changes generated concerns about precarious work, reduced wages and fragmentation of labor relations. The study of these impacts uses a methodological approach based on a bibliographical review of relevant articles, doctrines and jurisprudence. The analysis indicates that, despite the legality of outsourcing, its effects can be harmful to workers, distancing them from the contracting company and weakening direct employment links. The relaxation of standards, although beneficial for reducing business costs, tends to create more precarious and disadvantageous working conditions for outsourced employees.

Author Biographies

Suellen Rebeca Rodrigues Lima, Faculdade São Lucas

Graduada em direito pela instituição Faculdade São Lucas, Afya. 

Uérlei Magalhães de Morais, Faculdade São Lucas

Professor orientador do curso de direito pela Faculdade São Lucas, Afya. Mestre em Educação e Contemporaneidade pela Universidade do Estado da Bahia. 



How to Cite

Lima, S. R. R., & Morais, U. M. de. (2024). OUTSOURCING AND ITS IMPACTS ON WORK RELATIONS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(6), 2432–2448. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v10i6.14571