
  • Dienyfer Pinheiro do Vale Faculdade Uni Ls
  • Rosineyde Sousa Ferreira Faculdade Uni Ls
  • Amandha Teles de Souza Faculdade Uni Ls
  • Bruno Gedeon de Araujo Faculdade Uni Ls
  • Maria Carolina Sticanele de Souza Faminas



Emergency. Pharmacy. Medicines. Pharmaceutical supervision.


The emergency department of a hospital is a crucial area for treating medical emergencies. It is designed to handle a variety of situations, from less urgent cases to emergencies that require immediate life-saving intervention. The work of the pharmaceutical professionais plays a fundamental rolem in this process, reviewing medical prescriptions to ensure that the medications prescribed are appropriate for the patient's condition. The general objective of this research is to investigate the importance of pharmaceutical supervision in medications administered in the hospital on an emergency basis. This research was carried out through a literature review, where the analyzed materials were selected through a survey that took place by consulting academic research websites such as BVS, Scielo and Lilacs. In this search, materials published between 2014 and 2024 and in the following languages were selected: Portuguese or English. It was found that the presence of the pharmacist in the emergency department is also reflected in the adequate management of medication stocks, ensuring the availability of essential drugs and their correct conservation. Another relevant aspect is the guidance to patients and family members on the correct use of medications, providing greater adherence to the patient's treatment.

Author Biographies

Dienyfer Pinheiro do Vale, Faculdade Uni Ls

Acadêmica do curso de Farmácia, Faculdade Uni Ls.

Rosineyde Sousa Ferreira, Faculdade Uni Ls

Acadêmica do curso de Farmácia, Faculdade Uni Ls.

Amandha Teles de Souza, Faculdade Uni Ls

Acadêmica do curso de Farmácia, Faculdade Uni Ls. 

Bruno Gedeon de Araujo, Faculdade Uni Ls

Professor orientador do curso de farmácia, Faculdade Uni Ls.

Maria Carolina Sticanele de Souza, Faminas

Acadêmica de Medicina- Faminas BH, Minas Gerais.



How to Cite

Vale, D. P. do, Ferreira, R. S., Souza, A. T. de, Araujo, B. G. de, & Souza, M. C. S. de. (2024). IMPORTANCE OF PHARMACEUTICAL SUPERVISION IN MEDICATIONS IN EMERGENCY HOSPITAL SETTINGS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(6), 1494–1507.