
  • Evelyn Ximenes Carvalho de Freitas Universidade Iguaçu
  • Alex Sandro Rodrigues Baiense Universidade Iguaçu
  • Leonardo Guimarães de Andrade Universidade Iguaçu



Obesity. Media influence. Obesity. Weight loss medications. Social networks. beauty standards.


Obesity is a metabolic disorder in which the individual has a caloric intake that is much greater than the demand, one of the most serious public health problems. Weight loss medications are used as an alternative, such as Orlistat, sibutramine, and semaglutide. Social media feeds and influences are one of the biggest motivators; they dictate standards that condition thinness and, consequently, the use of medicines, for some bringing benefits and for others bringing harm and ending up putting health at risk. With easy access to information (the internet), despite being something positive, it can lead to danger. The methodology used was a quantitative and integrative literature review. In this sense, the work was based on reprinted articles, monographs, in the following databases: Scientific electron ic library online (sciELO), Google Scholar, Virtual Health Library (VHL), health department and ministry of health. The terms used to obtain data following the descriptors in health sciences are: Media influence, obesity, weight loss medications, and beauty standard social networks. The research subjects were chosen based on importance criteria. They include the complete availability of original works published from 2018 to 2024 in Portuguese or English. The objective of the research is to analyze the impacts that the media has on the decision to take medications and observe the risks that may be generated. It is concluded that, due to the facts mentioned, the use of weight loss medications is effective but also dangerous when not accompanied by a trained professional, as every drug presents different reactions. The media influences us both negatively and positively. Communication in general is a powerful tool, considering its power to manipulate information. Using the beauty standards imposed by society leads the vast majority to want to fit into such standards, which is why side effects are present, especially when the goal of weight loss is achieved. Therefore, the problem can be avoided with adequate monitoring for obese people or those who just want to fit into the standards judged by society.

Author Biographies

Evelyn Ximenes Carvalho de Freitas, Universidade Iguaçu

Graduanda do curso de farmácia, Universidade Iguaçu. 

Alex Sandro Rodrigues Baiense, Universidade Iguaçu

Orientador do curso de farmácia, Universidade Iguaçu. 

Leonardo Guimarães de Andrade, Universidade Iguaçu

Co-orientador do curso de farmácia, Universidade Iguaçu.



How to Cite

Freitas, E. X. C. de, Baiense, A. S. R., & Andrade, L. G. de. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON MEDICINES FOR WEIGHT LOSS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(6), 986–1001.