
  • Elisabeth Mendes Belo UNEATLANTICO
  • Acácia Regina Silva de Araújo UNEATLANTICO
  • Denilson Aparecido Garcia Business School
  • Hermócrates Gomes Melo Júnior Miami University of Science and Technology
  • Pablo Rodrigo de Oliveira Silva Centro Universitário São José




Leadership. Business and leaders.


The aim of this work is to bring the leadership styles that is present in humanity since the beginning. Great leaders have left positive marks and negative in the world and in history at various times by acting ahead of great empires and nations of antiquity, driving big battles and devastating wars or, on the other hand, promoting human development, justice, peace and hope.In the contemporary world, is no different. We saw, for example, in recent centuries, ordinary people who have become major icons of humanity by the intensity and intelligence in the art of leading groups and crowds around a goal. Adolf Hitler and Nazism, Nelson Mandela and apartheid, Pope John Paul II, Princess Diana, Ernesto Che Guevara and the Brazilian Getúlio Vargas and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva are great examples of impactful leadership.But, let's examine the leadership styles and three types of leaders, so you can conduct a thorough reflection of how it has worked before their team (or even if you plan to be in the future a great leader, and perhaps already one).

Author Biographies

Elisabeth Mendes Belo, UNEATLANTICO

Mestranda em Educação - Formação de Professores, Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO).

Acácia Regina Silva de Araújo, UNEATLANTICO

Mestra em Educação - Formação de Professores, Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO).

Denilson Aparecido Garcia, Business School

Mestre em Administração - Gestão Escolar, FUCAPE Business School.

Hermócrates Gomes Melo Júnior, Miami University of Science and Technology

Mestre em Administração, Miami University of Science and Technology (MUST).

Pablo Rodrigo de Oliveira Silva, Centro Universitário São José

Doutor em Ciências da Reabilitação, Centro Universitário São José.



How to Cite

Belo, E. M., Araújo, A. R. S. de, Garcia, D. A., Melo Júnior, H. G., & Silva, P. R. de O. (2024). LEADERSHIP STYLES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(5), 4141–4163. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v10i5.14214