
  • Gabriel Eduardo Eusébio Abramides
  • Caulí Oliveira Nascimento
  • Gabriel Henrique Lins Rodrigues
  • Emerson Aparecido Segala
  • Ana Rafaela Gonzaga da Silva
  • Nadilson Santos de Barros
  • Leticia Naiane Silva Gama
  • Renata da Silva
  • Larissa Gonçalves dos Santos
  • Isabel Emanuele da Silva


Justice. Media. Society.


In times of accelerated social transformations and an increasingly evident dynamism in the way information is disseminated, the digital book "JUSTICE, MEDIA AND SOCIETY: CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVES" appears as an essential work for understanding the complex interactions between the legal system , the media and contemporary society. This work not only explores the nuances and challenges faced by different professions in their respective areas of activity, but also takes a critical look at the impact of information media on the formation of opinions and judicial deliberations.
In the first chapter, we are introduced to the figure of the extrajudicial mediator, a crucial profession for resolving conflicts peacefully and efficiently, but which unfortunately remains outside the law school curriculum. This reflection points to the urgent need for a review of academic programs in order to include more comprehensive and practical training for future jurists.
The next chapter of this book delves into the analysis of moral damage resulting from the requirement for services not provided for in the internship contract. The legal research carried out here provides a detailed understanding of the rights of interns and the limits of contractual obligations, highlighting the importance of ethics and respect in work relationships.
In the third chapter, the powerful influence of information media on criminal court decisions is discussed. The exposure of cases in the press and pressure from public opinion are factors that can often distort the impartiality of justice, raising questions about the responsibility of media outlets and the integrity of the judicial process.
The following chapter addresses the growing search for the perfect body and the civil responsibility of physical education professionals. By analyzing cases of negligence and inadequate guidance, this segment highlights the importance of professional training and ethics in the provision of health and well-being services.
In the fifth chapter, the crucial role of the social worker in the hospital environment is explored. The professionalism and dedication of these workers are essential to guarantee humanized and quality care, contributing significantly to the recovery and well-being of patients.
The sixth chapter sheds light on the work of social workers in full-time schools, facing the challenge of school dropout. The analysis of the strategies adopted and the results achieved provides a clear vision of the importance of this professional in promoting education and reducing social inequalities.
Finally, the seventh chapter addresses the serious issue of domestic violence against women, with a specific focus on the city of Maceió-AL. The research carried out reveals the particularities and challenges faced in the fight against this type of violence, highlighting the need for effective public policies and a robust support network for victims.
This collection of chapters not only illuminates pressing issues of our time, but also proposes paths to building a more just and equitable society. "JUSTICE, MEDIA AND SOCIETY: CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVES" is essential reading for professionals, academics and all those interested in understanding and transforming current social dynamics.
I wish you all a fruitful reading,
Prof. Dr. Patrícia Ribeiro.
Editor-in-chief of the Revista Ibero — American Journal of Humanities, Sciences and Education.



How to Cite

Abramides, G. E. E., Nascimento, C. O., Rodrigues, G. H. L., Segala, E. A., Silva, A. R. G. da, Barros, N. S. de, … Silva, I. E. da. (2024). JUSTICE, MEDIA AND SOCIETY: CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 15–485. Retrieved from https://periodicorease.pro.br/rease/article/view/14125



