
  • Rosa Juliana Gonçalves Alves Centro Universitário Uninovafapi – AFYA
  • Andreza Maria Gonçalves Batista Centro Universitário Uninovafapi – AFYA
  • José Pereira de Melo Neto Centro Universitário Uninovafapi –   AFYA
  • Eduardo Souza de Lobão Veras Centro Universitário Uninovafapi –   AFYA
  • Giselle Maria Ferreira Lima Verde Centro Universitário Uninovafapi –   AFYA
  • Thiago Henrique Gonçalves Moreira Centro Universitário Uninovafapi –   AFYA




Oral changes. Systemic changes. Electronic cigarettes.


Electronic cigarettes, or rechargeable devices, are widely used today due to their easy accessibility, containing essence and flavors. These elements mask the reality that they are harmful to health, as some studies have shown, with impacts on oral, cardiovascular and neurological health. The aim of this study is to highlight and warn about the main damage caused to the oral cavity by the use of electronic cigarettes, in order to provide more information and help surgeons.  This work was carried out through a systematized exploratory and descriptive review, for its development, a search was carried out in the Pubmed and Scielo database between the years 2018 to 2023 The inclusion criteria were: titles and abstracts compatible with the proposal, publication from 2018 and the relevance of the article, and exclusion criteria: studies not published in full; not contemplating the theme of the review.  Initially, 28 articles were identified, 12 of which met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Of these, most of the authors refer to the abusive use of electronic cigarettes as a determining factor in the appearance of alterations, both oral and systemic. The use of electronic cigarettes, especially those with greater exposure to nicotine, triggers reactions in saliva pH, affecting organs and triggering some diseases. However, more studies are needed into the use of electronic cigarettes and their consequences.

Author Biographies

Rosa Juliana Gonçalves Alves, Centro Universitário Uninovafapi – AFYA

Aluna de graduação em Odontologia – Centro Universitário Uninovafapi – AFYA.

Andreza Maria Gonçalves Batista, Centro Universitário Uninovafapi – AFYA

Aluna de graduação em Odontologia – Centro Universitário Uninovafapi – AFYA.  

José Pereira de Melo Neto, Centro Universitário Uninovafapi –   AFYA

Professor Mestre - Centro Universitário Uninovafapi –   AFYA.


Eduardo Souza de Lobão Veras, Centro Universitário Uninovafapi –   AFYA

Professor Doutor - Centro Universitário Uninovafapi –   AFYA.

Giselle Maria Ferreira Lima Verde, Centro Universitário Uninovafapi –   AFYA

Professora Mestre - Centro Universitário Uninovafapi –   AFYA.

Thiago Henrique Gonçalves Moreira, Centro Universitário Uninovafapi –   AFYA

Professor Mestre - Centro Universitário Uninovafapi –   AFYA.



How to Cite

Alves, R. J. G., Batista, A. M. G., Melo Neto, J. P. de, Veras, E. S. de L., Verde, G. M. F. L., & Moreira, T. H. G. (2024). ORAL AND SYSTEMIC CHANGES IN USERS OF ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES (E-CIGS): A LITERATURE REVIEW. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(5), 2375–2387. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v10i5.13876