
  • Lucas Bandeira de Sousa Universidade de Gurupi-UNIRG
  • Sergio Marcos de Brito Abreu Universidade de Gurupi-UNIRG



Idosos. Deficientes. Benefício. Impacto econômico.


The Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC) is an important assistance tool that helps two very vulnerable groups in society: the elderly and the disabled. These groups are mostly made up of people who live on the margins of an active young and adult society, and who for this reason need support and care, mainly from the State. In this sense, the objective of this study was to analyze the economic impact on public coffers and also on society, on the lives of those who receive the benefit. In the methodological field, a bibliographical review was carried out, based on scientific articles, books, periodicals, jurisprudence and current legislation on the respective topic. Data collection was carried out through databases such as Scielo, Google Scholar, among others, from 2018 to 2023. The results showed that despite being important and contributing to the reduction of poverty, the stimulus consumption, social inclusion and the general well-being of society, the Continuous Payment Benefit has a significant economic impact, increasing the costs of the Federal Government, having a limited value, creating dependence on the beneficiaries, is subject to fraud and irregularities, etc. It is necessary to balance the need to provide assistance to the most vulnerable groups of the population with global budgetary demands and the financial sustainability of the program. Therefore, effective management and rigorous supervision are essential to ensure that the BPC achieves its social and economic objectives efficiently.

Author Biographies

Lucas Bandeira de Sousa, Universidade de Gurupi-UNIRG

Graduando em Direito pela Universidade de Gurupi (UNIRG).

Sergio Marcos de Brito Abreu, Universidade de Gurupi-UNIRG

Docente na Graduação na Universidade Unirg-TO. Advogado com atuação na área de direito público, é sócio fundador do Escritório Sergio Abreu Advocacia e Consultoria, é graduado em Direito pelo Centro Universitário de Unirg-TO, possui especialização em Direito Constitucional, Empresarial e Administrativo. É doutorando pela Universidad Museo Social Argentino/Argentina. Pós-Graduando: direito penal e processual, direito previdenciário e processual, direito civil e processual, direito legislativo, direito processual administrativo disciplinar sindicância, bacharelando em licenciatura em história pela Faculdade FACUMINAS-MG, bacharelando em Ciências Contábeis para Unopar.




How to Cite

Sousa, L. B. de, & Abreu, S. M. de B. (2024). THE IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON LAW: ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(5), 1632–1648.