
  • Eduarda Gomes Abrantes Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
  • Enzo Furletti Diniz Faculdade Ciências Medicas de Minas Gerais
  • Gabriela Guy Duarte Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Ana Carolina Melo Xavier de Brito Escola de Medicina Souza Marques – EMSM
  • Isis Micaelly de Oliveira Morais Faculdade Dinâmica Vale do Piranga – FADIP



Hereditary heart diseases. Clinical manifestations. Genetic analysis Treatment and therapeutic approaches.


Inherited heart disease constitutes a spectrum of conditions that affect millions and carry a significant burden on individuals and healthcare systems. Genetics plays a crucial role in the manifestation and progression of these diseases, and understanding the genetic variants involved has been fundamental to the development of personalized treatment strategies. Objective: The systematic review aimed to analyze clinical manifestations and evaluate therapeutic approaches for hereditary heart diseases, with an emphasis on the contribution of genetics to the diagnosis and management of these conditions. Methodology: The research was conducted according to the PRISMA checklist, using the PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases. Descriptors such as "hereditary heart diseases", "clinical manifestations", "genetic analysis", "treatment" and "therapeutic approaches" were used. Articles from the last ten years that included clinical studies, reviews and case reports were considered. Inclusion criteria covered studies with detailed genetic analysis, while studies without genetic data, opinion articles and publications without peer review were excluded. Results: 13 studies were selected. The results highlighted the heterogeneity of clinical manifestations and the importance of genetic analysis for an accurate diagnosis. Personalized treatments based on genetic profiling have shown promise in improving clinical outcomes. Conclusion: It was concluded that the integration of genetics in the evaluation and treatment of hereditary heart diseases is essential. Research has highlighted the need for personalized approaches to optimize clinical management and improve patients' quality of life.

Author Biographies

Eduarda Gomes Abrantes, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas

Acadêmica de Medicina Afya Ipatinga- Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (Afya-Ipatinga).

Enzo Furletti Diniz, Faculdade Ciências Medicas de Minas Gerais

Acadêmico de Medicina Faculdade Ciências Medicas de Minas Gerais (FCMMG).

Gabriela Guy Duarte, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Acadêmica de Medicina Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - campus Governador Valadares (UFJF-GV).

Ana Carolina Melo Xavier de Brito, Escola de Medicina Souza Marques – EMSM

Acadêmica de Medicina Escola de Medicina Souza Marques – EMSM.

Isis Micaelly de Oliveira Morais, Faculdade Dinâmica Vale do Piranga – FADIP

Acadêmica de Medicina Faculdade Dinâmica Vale do Piranga – FADIP.





How to Cite

Abrantes, E. G., Diniz, E. F., Duarte, G. G., Brito, A. C. M. X. de, & Morais, I. M. de O. (2024). CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND TREATMENT OF HEREDITARY HEART DISEASES: A GENETIC ANALYSIS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(4), 851–860.