
  • Isabelly Vivyan de Campos Vieira Jacauna Faculdade JK
  • Josué de Campos Vieira Faculdade JK
  • Roselene Jacaúna dos Santos Vieira Faculdade JK
  • Diana Góis dos Santos Faculdade JK



CVC. Patient safety. ICU.


This theme was chosen, Nurse's Role in Phlogistic Signs in Central Venous Catheter (CVC) and Peripheral Venous Catheter (CVP) devices, considering the importance for the practice of nursing care in the (ICU), and the fact that the nursing team Nursing is directly involved in the control and prevention of CVC-related infections.
The Central Venous Catheter (CVC) is defined by an instrument used to infuse fluids in patients, these substances can be medications, electrolytes, blood components and even parenteral nutrition, its use is commonly in hospitalized patients who require a venous access of long stay. These devices are composed of raw materials such as silicone or polyurethane, which can be mono lumen, that is, a single access route, or multiple lumen, which allows the infusion of two or more substances simultaneously (SANTOS et al 2021) .
The benefits provided to patients using a central venous catheter are numerous, in addition to the comfort provided to the patient, however, they can also lead to the occurrence of adverse effects related to this and even risks, such as, for example, obstruction of the catheter and infection related to its body installation (PEREIRA et al., 2021)
The nurse is responsible for supervising this CVC, as in practice and even insertion, and is always updating itself to improve its maintenance to keep it free from infections (INSTITUTE HEALTH CARE, 2022).
Phlogistic signs are a set of clinical manifestations that indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. These signs are characterized by heat, redness, swelling, pain and loss of function in the affected area.
Therefore, considering the importance of this topic for the practice of nursing care in ICUs, and the fact that the nursing team is directly involved in the control and prevention of CVC-related infections, it was decided to develop this research. (Revista Enfermagem em Evidência, Bebedouro SP, 2 (1): 1-14, 2019).
The data from this work allowed us to conclude that understanding best practices can enable nurses to think and act more effectively, providing support to systematize their work practice, invoking a leadership role in the advancement and use of strategies to promote quality patient care and safety.

Author Biographies

Isabelly Vivyan de Campos Vieira Jacauna, Faculdade JK

Bacharela em Enfermagem-Faculdade JK.

Josué de Campos Vieira, Faculdade JK

Bacharel em Enfermagem-Faculdade JK.

Roselene Jacaúna dos Santos Vieira, Faculdade JK

Bacharela em Enfermagem-Faculdade JK.

Diana Góis dos Santos, Faculdade JK

Orientadora do bacharelado em Enfermagem-Faculdade JK. Mestrado em engenharia biomédica -UNB.



How to Cite

Jacauna, I. V. de C. V., Vieira, J. de C., Vieira, R. J. dos S., & Santos, D. G. dos. (2024). NURSE’S ACTIVITY IN PHLOGISTICS SIGNS ON DEVICES IN INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(4), 397–403.