
  • Rafael Vellasco de Castro Curado Centro Universitário Alfredo Nasser
  • Edenilze Teles Romeiro Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • Lívia de Sousa Oliveira Macedo Instituto Federal do Piauí
  • Beatriz Peçanha da Motta Universidade Severino sombra
  • Germana Marques da Nóbrega UNIPÊ
  • Joyce Nunes Gonçalves Universidade Nove de Julho
  • Max Walber Lima Freitas Hospital Nilton Lins
  • José Fernando Marranghello Maluf UNINOVE
  • Antonio Vilk Sales de Moraes Souza Crisanto Universidade Federal do Piauí- UFPI
  • Victor Alexandre de Lima Ferreira UNINOVE



Intestinal microbiota. Digestive diseases. Digestive health.


The relationship between the intestinal microbiota and digestive diseases has been the subject of increasing interest in medical research. This study addresses the complex interplay between the gut microbiota and digestive health, exploring the connections between microbial composition, gut function and the development of digestive diseases. Through a comprehensive review of the scientific literature, key findings related to the influence of gut microbiota on the pathophysiology of digestive diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and colorectal cancer, were identified. Furthermore, current and emerging therapeutic strategies aimed at modulating the intestinal microbiota to improve digestive health were discussed. These strategies include the use of probiotics, prebiotics, diet and fecal transplantation, with an emphasis on personalizing treatment according to the individual microbial composition and clinical characteristics of the patient. Finally, knowledge gaps and areas for future research are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to advance our understanding of the gut microbiota and its role in digestive health. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research and highlights opportunities to improve the management and treatment of digestive diseases through manipulation of the gut microbiota.

Author Biographies

Rafael Vellasco de Castro Curado, Centro Universitário Alfredo Nasser

Centro Universitário Alfredo Nasser.

Edenilze Teles Romeiro, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco.

Lívia de Sousa Oliveira Macedo, Instituto Federal do Piauí

Instituto Federal do Piauí.

Beatriz Peçanha da Motta, Universidade Severino sombra

Universidade Severino sombra.

Germana Marques da Nóbrega, UNIPÊ


Joyce Nunes Gonçalves, Universidade Nove de Julho

Universidade Nove de Julho.

Max Walber Lima Freitas, Hospital Nilton Lins

Hospital Nilton Lins.

José Fernando Marranghello Maluf, UNINOVE

UNINOVE, campus Vergueiro.

Antonio Vilk Sales de Moraes Souza Crisanto, Universidade Federal do Piauí- UFPI

Universidade Federal do Piauí- UFPI.

Victor Alexandre de Lima Ferreira, UNINOVE

UNINOVE – Vergueiro.



How to Cite

Curado, R. V. de C., Romeiro, E. T., Macedo, L. de S. O., Motta, B. P. da, Nóbrega, G. M. da, Gonçalves, J. N., … Ferreira, V. A. de L. (2024). GUT MICROBIOTA AND DIGESTIVE DISEASES: EXPLORING THE CONNECTIONS TO IMPROVE DIGESTIVE HEALTH. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(3), 2297–2304.