
  • Roberta de Paiva Miranda Faculdade Jucelino Kubtischek
  • Flávia Cavalcante Aires Faculdade Jucelino Kubtischek
  • Diana Góis dos Santos Faculdade Jucelino Kubtischek



Humanization. Childbirth. Obstetric Violence.


The humanization of childbirth and the fight against obstetric violence are two interconnected concepts that aim to improve the pregnant woman's experience during the process of giving birth and ensure that she is treated with dignity, respect and adequate care. This research addresses the training of the nursing team with the aim of raising awareness about the damage caused by obstetric violence, as well as the positive consequences of humanization in the care of women in labor. The research focuses on describing the types of obstetric violence, an issue of great relevance in the health care of pregnant women. The different ways in which obstetric violence manifests itself will be detailed and exemplified, ranging from inadequate medical interventions to disrespect for the pregnant woman's choices. The ultimate objective is to contribute to obstetric care that is safe, respectful and woman- centered, ensuring a positive and healthy birth experience, where the pregnant woman is recognized as the protagonist of this significant moment in her life. The humanization of childbirth is emphasized as an essential approach to achieving this goal, as it places the woman at the center of the birth process, recognizing her autonomy and emotional needs.

Author Biographies

Roberta de Paiva Miranda, Faculdade Jucelino Kubtischek

Bacharelado de Enfermagem- Faculdade Jucelino Kubtischek.

Flávia Cavalcante Aires, Faculdade Jucelino Kubtischek

Bacharelado de Enfermagem- Faculdade Jucelino Kubtischek. 

Diana Góis dos Santos, Faculdade Jucelino Kubtischek

Orientadora do curso de bacharelado de Enfermagem- Faculdade Jucelino Kubtischek 



How to Cite

Miranda, R. de P., Aires, F. C., & Santos, D. G. dos. (2024). HUMANIZATION IN BIRTH AND COMBAT OBSTETRIC VIOLENCE. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(3), 2682–2694.