
  • Katarina Moraes Costa de Souza Faculdade São Lucas
  • Leticia Vivianne Miranda Cury Faculdade São Lucas




Organized crime. Criminal organizations. Porto Velho.


Criminal organizations can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, including drug trafficking, smuggling, extortion, money laundering and other serious crimes. Therefore, globalization and the advancement of technology have facilitated the operations of these organizations on a national scale, challenging borders and increasing the complexity of law enforcement efforts. Therefore, in Porto Velho the reality is no different, since organized crime in the figures of the PCC, CV and PCP are active in the region and generate violence and bloody wars that affect the entire population of Porto Velho. In this context, this article aims to investigate how organizations act in Porto Velho, and also how their actions affect the local population. Therefore, for the development of the article, it was decided to employ bibliographical research and a qualitative approach to materials collected on digital platforms such as Google Scholar, Scielo, legal journals, laws, books and other documents that address the theme proposed in this study. Therefore, it is concluded that the population of Porto Velho has been drastically impacted by the actions of criminal organizations in the city, the rates of violence, violent deaths, beatings and robberies are factors that generate fear in the population. In this way, even with police actions, it is essential that legislation be proposed that is more effective in combating organized crime in Porto Velho, as well as training the police and directing resources so that it is possible to investigate public security in the capital of Porto Velho.

Author Biographies

Katarina Moraes Costa de Souza, Faculdade São Lucas

Graduanda em Direito da Faculdade São Lucas.

Leticia Vivianne Miranda Cury, Faculdade São Lucas

Prof. Orientadora, Graduada pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná. Pós-graduada em Direito Público pela Escola da Magistratura Federal do Paraná. Mestre em Corrupção e Estado de Direito pela Universidade de Salamanca/Espanha. Mestre em Direito Penal pela Universidade de Salamanca/Espanha.



How to Cite

Souza, K. M. C. de, & Cury, L. V. M. (2023). A FRAMEWORK ABOUT CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS IN PORTO VELHO. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(3), 2141–2160. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v10i3.13317