
  • Alex Sandro Duval Dias Faculdade Educacional da Lapa
  • Clóvis Rodrigo Lima da Cruz Faculdade Educacional da Lapa-FAEL
  • Vagner Arnold Carniere Faculdade Anhanguera de Pelotas
  • Elisandro Fabiano Soares Vaz Faculdade Educacional da Lapa-FAEL
  • Nelciane Mota Vaz Faculdade Anhanguera
  • Luís Claudio Marques Meneses Del Pino  Faculdade Uninter


Administrative improbity. Corruption. Morality. Public agent.


Dear reader,
With great enthusiasm we invite you to delve into the pages of the digital book "Public Management and Administrative and Constitutional Law: Confrontation with Administrative Improbity". This work is an enlightening journey on a crucial topic: integrity and legality in the public sphere.
We began our journey by investigating the essential foundations that guide public management and Administrative and Constitutional Law. Here, we establish the basis for understanding the current panorama and the issues that permeate the confrontation of administrative improbity.
We will continue with the presentation of the landmark in Brazilian legislation, Complementary Law n. 135, known as the "Clean Record Law", is thoroughly analyzed. Explore with us its scope, implications and developments in the public sphere, understanding its crucial role in promoting ethics and responsibility in the management of public resources.
In succession, we enter into the introductory aspects of Law no. 8429/1992, which deals with administrative improbity. Discover the main points of this legislation, its applicability and its relevance in guaranteeing probity in public administration.
Subsequently, we explore the principles that govern public administration, highlighting their importance in building transparent, efficient management focused on the collective interest. This topic is essential for us to understand how ethics and legality must be intrinsically linked to the actions of public authorities.
We end our journey with reflections on the challenges and perspectives in confronting administrative improbity. At this time, we invite you to reflect with us on the measures necessary to strengthen institutions and promote integral and responsible public management.
On each page of this book, we seek not only to inform, but also to inspire critical and constructive reflection on the role of the State and citizens in building a more just and ethical society.
Therefore, I invite you to embark on this journey of knowledge and reflection. Your participation is fundamental to building a future in which probity and transparency are unshakable pillars of public administration.

Good reading!
The authors

Author Biographies

Alex Sandro Duval Dias, Faculdade Educacional da Lapa

Tecnólogo em Gestão Pública. Faculdade Educacional da Lapa-FAEL.

Clóvis Rodrigo Lima da Cruz, Faculdade Educacional da Lapa-FAEL

Tecnólogo em Gestão Pública. Faculdade Educacional da Lapa-FAEL.

Vagner Arnold Carniere, Faculdade Anhanguera de Pelotas

  Licenciatura e Educação Física. Faculdade Anhanguera de Pelotas.

Elisandro Fabiano Soares Vaz, Faculdade Educacional da Lapa-FAEL

Tecnólogo em Gestão Pública. Faculdade Educacional da Lapa-FAEL.  

Nelciane Mota Vaz, Faculdade Anhanguera

 Serviço social. Faculdade Anhanguera.

Luís Claudio Marques Meneses Del Pino,  Faculdade Uninter

Tecnólogo em Gestão Pública. Faculdade Uninter.



How to Cite

Dias, A. S. D., Cruz, C. R. L. da, Carniere, V. A., Vaz, E. F. S., Vaz, N. M., & Pino, L. C. M. M. D. (2024). PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: CONFRONTATION WITH ADMINISTRATIVE IMPROBITY. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 19–79. Retrieved from



