


Digital Pharmacy. Telemedicine. Digital Transformation in Healthcare.


The article addresses the digital transformation in pharmacy, highlighting its evolution into a hub for broader health services through digital pharmacy. Resolution CFF No. 585/2013 regulates the clinical responsibilities of pharmacists in Brazil, including the provision of clinical pharmacy services online. The integration of digital pharmacy with telemedicine, driven by Law No. 13,989/20, enables efficient communication among healthcare professionals. The objective is to understand the benefits of digital pharmacy, overcoming geographical and temporal limitations, emphasizing its relevance for healthcare professionals and policymakers. In the methodology, a bibliographic approach was adopted, analyzing digital pharmacies integrating online services with telemedicine. The results show that digital pharmacy offers expanded and personalized access, overcoming geographical barriers. It excels in managing chronic diseases, with improvements in control indicators. Integration with telemedicine received positive acceptance from users, providing convenience and personalization. Practical implications include a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to care, strengthening care continuity. Theoretically, the synergy between digital pharmacy and telemedicine transforms healthcare services, promoting active patient participation. Challenges involve data security and continuous training for healthcare professionals. The article suggests that the integration of digital pharmacy with telemedicine meets user expectations, offering benefits in managing chronic conditions. The expansion of these services points to a promising future at the intersection of technology and health, highlighting opportunities to enhance online pharmaceutical care.

Author Biographies

Cleber Nonato Macedo Costa, Centro Universitário da Amazônia- UNIESAMAZ

Pós-graduação em Letras (Licenciatura Plena em Língua Portuguesa). Graduando de Farmácia pela UNIESAMAZ (Centro Universitário da Amazônia).ORCID:

Liliane Portilho de Aquino, Centro Universitário da Amazônia, Brasil

Graduanda de Farmácia pela UNIESAMAZ (Centro Universitário da Amazônia). ORCID:

Rosangela da Silva Pinto, Centro Universitário da Amazônia, Brasil

Graduanda de Farmácia pela UNIESAMAZ (Centro Universitário da Amazônia). 

André Correia Nunes do Nascimento, Centro Universitário da Amazônia, Brasil

Graduando de Farmácia pela UNIESAMAZ (Centro Universitário da Amazônia). ORCID:

Rafael dos Santos Afonso, Centro Universitário da Amazônia, Brasil

Graduando de Farmácia pela UNIESAMAZ (Centro Universitário da Amazônia). ORCID: https://orcid/0009-0003-0620-3052

Antônio Taylon Aguiar Gomes, Centro Universitário da Amazônia, Brasil

Doutor em Tecnologia Farmacêutica. É professor da UNIESAMAZ. ORCID: 



How to Cite

Costa, C. N. M., Aquino, L. P. de, Pinto, R. da S., Nascimento, A. C. N. do, Afonso, R. dos S., & Gomes, A. T. A. (2024). PHARMACY DIGITAL 4.0: INTEGRATING ONLINE PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES INTO TELEMEDICINE PLATFORMS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(1), 372–381.