
  • Daniela Martins Fagundes Vinholes URCAMP
  • Camila Thiesen Rigon UFRGS
  • Simone de Oliveira Luongo Uniasselvi
  • Valeria Machado Moraes Hutter Uniritter
  • Juliana Schmitz do Amaral PUCRS
  • Jonas Deivid Machado Freitas IBGEN


Strength. Progressive Use of Force. Non-Lethal Weapons. Firearms.


It is with great satisfaction that we present this digital book, a work carefully prepared to comprehensively address the crucial and sensitive topic of "Use of Force in Public Security Under Legal Protection". Divided into two distinct chapters, the work aims to provide a comprehensive view of the conceptual and legal elements that permeate this complex theme.
The first chapter of this book, entitled "Concept of Use of Force", delves into the fundamental nuances of this phenomenon, outlining the main elements of action that guide public security practices. Furthermore, it explores the different levels of the use of progressive force, presenting models that outline effective strategies, such as the Fletc Model, Canadian Model, Remsberg Model, Phoenix Model and Nashville Model. Special attention is devoted to non-lethal weapons, highlighting their relevance in the search for safer and more efficient approaches.
The second chapter, entitled "Legal Aspects of the Use of Force in Public Security Activities", the work enters the complex legal territory that surrounds the use of force by security professionals. The legal support that supports such practices is thoroughly analyzed, providing a deep understanding of the rules and regulations that govern the use of force. This chapter provides a solid foundation for understanding the legal responsibilities and limitations that should guide the actions of security officers.
This digital book aims to be a valuable reference source for security professionals, academics, and anyone interested in understanding the challenges, dilemmas, and nuances surrounding the use of force in public security. The balanced approach between practical and legal aspects provides an enriching and informed reading on a topic that directly impacts society and the actions of security agents.
We hope that this work will significantly contribute to improving knowledge, promoting constructive discussions and supporting more ethical and efficient practices in the delicate scenario of the use of force in public security.
The authors,

Keywords: Strength. Progressive Use of Force. Non-Lethal Weapons. Firearms.

Author Biographies

Daniela Martins Fagundes Vinholes, URCAMP

Bacharel em Farmácia pela URCAMP.

Camila Thiesen Rigon, UFRGS

Bacharel em Ciências Sociais pela UFRGS.

Simone de Oliveira Luongo, Uniasselvi

Tecnólogo em Gestão de Recursos Humanos pela Uniasselvi.

Valeria Machado Moraes Hutter, Uniritter

Tecnólogo em Serviços penais pela Uniritter

Juliana Schmitz do Amaral, PUCRS

Bacharel em Nutrição pela PUCRS.

Jonas Deivid Machado Freitas, IBGEN

Tecnologo em Recursos Humanos pelo IBGEN.



How to Cite

Vinholes, D. M. F., Rigon, C. T., Luongo, S. de O., Hutter, V. M. M., Amaral, J. S. do, & Freitas, J. D. M. (2024). THE USE OF FORCE IN PUBLIC SECURITY UNDER LEGAL SUPPORT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 12–86. Retrieved from



