


Dipyrone. Agranulocytosis. Indiscriminate use. Self-medication.


Dipyrone is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic medication from the class of over-the-counter drugs (OTCs), and it began selling in Brazil under the brand name Novalgin®. Its commercialization began to be known worldwide until the 1970s when cases of agranulocytosis, a clinical condition of urgent immunological deficit, began to be reported. This drug is highly sought after due to its easy accessibility since it is available over the counter and ends up being in very high demand. The concern about its indiscriminate use is related to the risks and consequences that can cause various adverse effects, such as blood disorders. It is important to highlight the importance of a pharmaceutical professional so that patients receive appropriate guidance on medication administration. This study aims to present the importance of pharmaceutical care, analyzing the risks of self-medication and the indiscriminate use of dipyrone. The present work was an integrative bibliographic review, where searches were carried out in the LILACS, SciELO, and COCHRANE databases. Dipyrone is a medicine that, when used correctly, is safe. In the results, the publications were concentrated in the year 2022, which presented 4 studies (50%), in 2023, 2 studies (25%), and in 2018 and 2021, only 1 study each year (12.5%). Thus, Pharmaceutical Care plays a crucial role in combating the indiscriminate use of Dipyrone, a medicine widely used to relieve pain and reduce fever. However, if taken in high doses or incorrectly, it can cause unpleasant side effects such as vomiting, nausea, and bloating. Therefore, the pharmacist plays a crucial role in promoting the responsible use of medications, particularly in the case of Dipyrone and other over-the-counter medicines.

Author Biographies

Daniele de Araújo Moysés, UNIESAMAZ

Doutora em Genética e Biologia Molecular - UFPA, Professora no Centro Universitário da Amazônia -Uniesamaz. 

Thayná Bitencourt Farias, UNIESAMAZ

Discente no Centro Universitário da Amazônia Uniesamaz. 

Fernanda Caroline de Souza Costa, UNIESAMAZ

Discente no Centro Universitário da Amazônia Uniesamaz. 

Leôncio Estumano Borges, UNIESAMAZ

Discente no Centro Universitário da Amazônia Uniesamaz.

Lorena Gonçalves Dickson, UNIESAMAZ

Discente no Centro Universitário da Amazônia Uniesamaz.

Whiliziane Oliveira de Jesus Furtado, UNIESAMAZ

Discente no Centro Universitário da Amazônia Uniesamaz.

Zico Mengo Reis Furtado, UNIESAMAZ

Discente no Centro Universitário da Amazônia Uniesamaz.

Rosangela da Silva Pinto, UNIESAMAZ

Graduanda de Farmácia pela UNIESAMAZ.

Antônio Taylon Aguiar Gomes, UNIESAMAZ

Doutor em Inovação Farmacêutica UFPA, Professor no Centro Universitário da Amazônia, Uniesamaz. 

Valdicley Vieira Vale, UNIESAMAZ

Autor em Inovação Farmacêutica UFPA, Professor no Centro Universitário da Amazônia, Uniesamaz, 

Natasha Costa da Rocha Galucio, Núcleo de Pesquisa em Oncologia NPO- UFPA

Doutora em Genética e Biologia Molecular, UFPA.

Regianne Maciel dos Santos Correa, UNIESAMAZ

Doutora em Neurociências e Biologia Celular — UFPA. Professora no Centro Universitário da Amazônia, Uniesamaz, 



How to Cite

Moysés, D. de A., Farias, T. B., Costa, F. C. de S., Borges, L. E., Dickson, L. G., Furtado, W. O. de J., … Correa, R. M. dos S. (2024). PHARMACEUTICAL ATTENTION TO COMBAT THE INDISCRIMINATE USE OF DIPYRONE: A REVIEW. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(1), 329–343.