
  • Wagner Carneiro Castanho FAVENI



Woman. Femicide. Law 13,104. Domestic violence against women.


Violence against women is a reality present in the lives of most women, regardless of their economic condition, race or ethnicity. The magnitude of the aggression, however, varies. It is more frequent in countries with a prevailing masculine culture, and less common in cultures that seek egalitarian solutions to gender differences. The Brazilian State, with the struggle of Maria da Penha, enacted Law 11.340/06, in order to curb and prevent violence against women, signing it at several international conferences. The general objective was to learn and analyze more about violence against women. A struggle of many women “diminished” by machismo. Encourage the empowerment of the entire female gender. The specific objectives are: to carry out research on the history of violence against women, analyze why violence happens and the types of aggression, and expose the Maria da Penha Law regarding its importance for society, especially women. It is justified by the need to understand the structure and dynamics of Femicide, which will help in decision-making on preventive, proactive and repressive measures that can help combat the crime, knowing the causes, regional dynamics and the factors that contribute to this extreme violence suffered by women and also hate crimes against female individuals nowadays highlighted in statistics carried out in Brazil. At the conclusion of this work, even with legislation in favor of women, it was observed high rates of verbal, physical and psychological aggression against women. This work is the result of bibliographical research, as it is being “developed from material already prepared, consisting mainly of books and scientific articles”. In addition to these, research was carried out on publications inherent to the subject, of different natures, such as newspaper and magazine articles. For this reason, it is a methodology that will seek to describe theories and concepts published in books and similar works, from which available knowledge in the area will be collected and discussed, identifying, analyzing and evaluating the prevention of feminicide.

Author Biography

Wagner Carneiro Castanho, FAVENI

Bacharel em Ciências Contábeis e pós-graduado em análise criminal e gestão e segurança pública.



How to Cite

Castanho, W. C. (2023). VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(11), 4270–4296.