
  • Genilda José dos Santos Veni Creator Christian University
  • Alba Cristina Teixeira Lima Veni Creator Christian University
  • Claudilene Jordão da Costa Oliveira Veni Creator Christian University
  • Maria de Fátima Ramos Torres Alencar Veni Creator Christian University



Legal pluralism. Dignity of human person. Representativeness.


The objective of this article is to analyze legal pluralism as an alternative to positive law, as a counterpoint to the legal hegemony of the economically dominant class and holder of scientific and legal knowledge, suffocating the alternatives, the knowledge of the original peoples, the favelas, the expropriated of the land, of those not represented by society. The idea of ​​society as the political will of many, is not effectively a society for all, it is selective and elitist, who decides the directions that the country and the norms that we must follow is a small group supported by the holders of capital, bankers, businessmen, large corporations, even international ones that finance the political class as long as they defend their economic and ideological interests of perpetuating social inequality, the segregation between rich and poor, white and black, heterosexual and homosexual, evangelicals and Catholics and other religions. When the Federal Constitution of 1988 says that everyone is equal before the law, if we were to scrutinize this equality from the cradle, we would see abyssal inequality. There are invisible groups in our society, groups without a voice, without representation, without rights, they are treated as non-citizens, or citizens of the last category, as we could classify a human being into categories, this in itself is outrageous, normalizing and normalizing social exclusion is an attack on all humanity.

Author Biographies

Genilda José dos Santos, Veni Creator Christian University

Aluna do Curso de Mestrado em Ciências Jurídicas da Veni Creator Christian University.

Alba Cristina Teixeira Lima, Veni Creator Christian University

Aluna do Curso de Mestrado em Ciências Jurídicas da Veni Creator Christian University.

Claudilene Jordão da Costa Oliveira, Veni Creator Christian University

Aluna do Curso de Mestrado em Ciências Jurídicas da Veni Creator Christian University.

Maria de Fátima Ramos Torres Alencar, Veni Creator Christian University

Aluna do Curso de Mestrado em Ciências Jurídicas da Veni Creator Christian University.



How to Cite

Santos, G. J. dos, Lima, A. C. T., Oliveira, C. J. da C., & Alencar, M. de F. R. T. (2023). PERIPHERAL INVISIBILITY AND LEGAL PLURALISM. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(11), 3432–3443.