


Medication Interchangeability. Pharmacy. Public Health.


Medication interchangeability emerges as a crucial theme in promoting accessibility to essential treatments. This study covers the relevance of interchangeability between generic and brand-name drugs, analyzing its impact on regulatory, economic, and consumer trust spheres. A comprehensive methodological approach, involving an exhaustive review of scientific literature and rigorous economic analysis, provides a profound insight into interchangeability policies. The results reveal that when implemented efficiently, interchangeability significantly reduces treatment costs, expanding the availability of therapeutic options. Regulatory challenges are identified, highlighting the importance of standard harmonization and transparency in regulatory processes to ensure the trust of healthcare professionals and patients. Competition driven by interchangeability, especially in the generic market, not only democratized access to essential treatments but also promoted innovation and excellence in the pharmaceutical industry. The study also emphasizes the international relevance of interchangeability, focusing on partnerships and global initiatives to facilitate access to medications in developing countries. Support for capacity building, education, and pharmaceutical infrastructure is crucial in this context. It is concluded that when supported by effective policies, interchangeability not only reduces costs but also contributes to more robust and equitable healthcare systems, promoting sustainable and accessible health for all.

Author Biographies

Cleber Nonato Macedo Costa, Centro Universitário da Amazônia- UNIESAMAZ

Pós-Graduado em Letras - Licenciatura Plena em Língua Portuguesa Graduando de Farmácia do Centro Universitário da Amazônia (UNIESAMAZ). 

Valdicley Vieira Vale, UNIESAMAZ

Coordenador do curso de farmácia da UNIESAMAZ Doutor em Inovação Farmacêutica - UFPA. 

Luciane de Cassia Macedo Costa, UNIESAMAZ

Graduação licenciatura em biologia Faculdade Vale do Acaraú Pós-graduação Cesupa.Graduanda de Farmácia do Centro Universitário da Amazônia (UNIESAMAZ). 

Adima Maria Chagas da Silva, UNIESAMAZ

Graduanda de Farmácia do Centro Universitário da Amazônia (UNIESAMAZ).

Liliane Portilho de Aquino, UNIESAMAZ

Graduanda de Farmácia do Centro Universitário da Amazônia (UNIESAMAZ). Orcid https://orcid/0009-0005-2609-5612. 

Elaine Mendes Vilhena, UNIESAMAZ

Graduanda de Farmácia do Centro Universitário da Amazônia (UNIESAMAZ).




How to Cite

Costa, C. N. M., Vale, V. V., Costa, L. de C. M., Silva, A. M. C. da, Aquino, L. P. de, & Vilhena, E. M. (2023). THE IMPACT OF INTERCHANGEABILITY ON MEDICATION ACCESSIBILITY. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(11), 1974–1981.