
  • Lilian Signorini Lafuente Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Ruan Francisco Rommel Universidade do Norte do Paraná-Unopar
  • Mario Roberto Pereira dos Santos Universidade da Região da Campanha-URCAMP
  • Carlos Renato Ferreira Assumpção Goulart IBRA
  • Fabiano Bonow de Almeida FIBMG
  • Deigner Macedo da Silva Universidade Federal de Pelotas


Martial Arts Training. Public Security. Critical Criminology. Crime Reduction. Culture of Respect.


Dear readers,
We present this digital book, a work that explores the application of martial fighting in the challenging context of public security. By combining tradition, technique and innovation, the chapters in this book offer a rich and detailed view of how martial arts play a fundamental role in the training and performance of professionals who ensure the safety of society.
Chapter 1: Fundamentals and Principles of Martial Fights in Public Security. This chapter introduces the essential fundamentals of martial fighting and how these principles intertwine with public safety. We explore how discipline, physical and mental training, and tactical understanding of martial arts contribute to the development of skills necessary for professionals in the field.
Next, chapter 2: Tactical Applications of Martial Fighting in Security Operations, analyzes how martial fighting techniques are incorporated into security operations. From self-defense strategies to crisis management, we examine how martial knowledge translates into operational effectiveness in the daily lives of security officers.
Chapter 3: Specific Training for Security Professionals, addresses specialized training programs, designed to meet the specific demands of security professionals. We explore adapted training methods, aiming to improve the physical, technical and psychological skills necessary for efficient performance in the field.
We conclude our exploration, chapter 4: Ethics and Responsibility in Martial Fights in Public Security. This item highlights the importance of ethics and responsibility in the use of martial arts in public safety. It examines how the fundamental values of martial arts, such as respect and integrity, influence the ethical behavior of professionals, promoting a balanced and fair approach.
We hope this digital book will be an enriching source of knowledge for those interested in the dynamic intersection between martial arts and public safety. May it serve as an informative and inspiring guide for professionals, students and enthusiasts seeking to understand and improve the application of these disciplines in the challenging context of

security for society.
The authors,

Author Biographies

Lilian Signorini Lafuente, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Formação: História Licenciatura pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Pós-graduação nas áreas de ciências sociais, psicologia e políticas públicas.

Ruan Francisco Rommel, Universidade do Norte do Paraná-Unopar

Formação: Tecnólogo em Gestão Ambiental pela Universidade do Norte do Paraná (Unopar).

Mario Roberto Pereira dos Santos, Universidade da Região da Campanha-URCAMP

Graduando em Direito pela Universidade da Região da Campanha: URCAMP.

Carlos Renato Ferreira Assumpção Goulart, IBRA

Tecnólogo em  Gestão pública UNINTER, Graduação: Ciências sociais com ênfase em sociologia instituição: IBRA.

Fabiano Bonow de Almeida, FIBMG

Formação: Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas -  UCPEL. Pós-graduação: Segurança Pública e Privada - FIBMG.

Deigner Macedo da Silva, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Licenciatura em Educação Física- Universidade Federal de Pelotas.



How to Cite

Lafuente, L. S., Rommel, R. F., Santos, M. R. P. dos, Goulart, C. R. F. A., Almeida, F. B. de, & Silva, D. M. da. (2023). MARTIAL FIGHTS IN PUBLIC SECURITY. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 27–88. Retrieved from



