
  • Melissa Santos Carvalho Faculdade São Bráz
  • Gladimir Pereira Pinho Faculdade Ibra
  • Cristiano Ollé Pereira Faculdade Intervale
  • Adriano Pires Abreu Faculdade Uninter
  • Luis Artur Leite Camargo Faculdade Unicesumar
  • Emerson Lemos Vianna Faculdade Uninter


Social assistance. Social Security. Principles.


Welcome to the enlightening universe of the digital book "The Principles that Govern Brazilian Social Assistance". This work aims to unveil the intricate paths of Social Assistance in Brazil, from its historical roots to the principles that guide its contemporary practices.
In the trajectory of social assistance in Brazilian lands, we have witnessed its evolution from specific actions, generally carried out by the first ladies of governments, until the significant milestone of the Federal Constitution of 1988, when Social Assistance was officially recognized as a universal right.
A relevant issue addressed in this book is the persistent confusion between Social Assistance and Social Security. The distinction between the two is crucial to understanding their purposes and scope. While Social Assistance seeks to serve the entire Brazilian population in vulnerable situations, Social Security focuses on supporting only those who contribute to the system.
The challenges in understanding these differences are addressed by scholars who highlight the need for clarification, considering that many Brazilians still face difficulties in discerning between these forms of social protection.
At the heart of this work are the eight legal principles that outline the activities of Social Assistance. These principles not only define the areas of intervention of this policy, but also establish essential criteria to guide its actions. Understanding these principles is crucial for professionals and scholars who wish to get involved in the field of Social Assistance in the contemporary Brazilian scenario.
By exploring these legal foundations, the reader will have access to essential information for the practical exercise of social assistance, becoming able to promote positive and effective changes in the lives of those who need this crucial support.
"The Principles that Govern Brazilian Social Assistance" is a valuable source of knowledge, a compass to guide those who wish to understand, question and transform social reality through the commitment and application of these fundamental principles. We hope that this work inspires deep reflections and transformative actions in the field of Social Assistance in Brazil.
We wish you all good reading,
The authors,

Author Biographies

Melissa Santos Carvalho, Faculdade São Bráz

Pós-Graduação em Políticas Públicas. Faculdade São Bráz.

Gladimir Pereira Pinho, Faculdade Ibra

Curso de Sociologia. Faculdade Ibra. 

Cristiano Ollé Pereira, Faculdade Intervale

Curso de pedagogia. Faculdade Intervale.

Adriano Pires Abreu, Faculdade Uninter

Tecnologia da Segurança Pública. Faculdade Uninter.

Luis Artur Leite Camargo, Faculdade Unicesumar

Gestão Pública. Faculdade Unicesumar.

Emerson Lemos Vianna, Faculdade Uninter

Tecnologia da Segurança Pública. Faculdade Uninter.



How to Cite

Carvalho, M. S., Pinho, G. P., Pereira, C. O., Abreu, A. P., Camargo, L. A. L., & Vianna, E. L. (2023). THE PRINCIPLES THAT GOVERN BRAZILIAN SOCIAL ASSISTANCE. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 12–70. Retrieved from



