Contributions of the pharmacist in pharmaceutical care for oncology patients: A systematic review of the literature





Oncology Pharmacist, Pharmaceutical care, Multidisciplinary team


The treatment of oncology patients involves a multidisciplinary approach aimed at ensuring therapeutic efficacy, minimizing adverse effects, and promoting the quality of life of individuals. In this context, the role of the pharmacist has stood out as a fundamental piece in the health team, performing essential activities in the care and care of cancer patients. This systematic review of the literature aims to analyze the role of the pharmacist in the multidisciplinary team and their contribution to pharmaceutical care in the treatment of oncology patients. The review was based on a comprehensive search of the literature, including studies published in peer-reviewed journals. The methodology included the selection of studies based on pre-established criteria and the analysis of their findings. The results showed that the pharmacist plays a crucial role in providing pharmaceutical care to oncology patients. Their contributions include assisting in drug management, monitoring therapeutic effects and adverse events, educating patients, collaborating with the multidisciplinary team, participating in clinical research, disseminating scientific knowledge, and promoting evidence-based practice. These activities result in significant benefits, such as improved adherence to treatment, reduction of adverse events, and improved quality of life for oncology patients. The role of the pharmacist in the treatment of oncology patients is crucial to ensure therapeutic efficacy and patient safety. Their participation in pharmaceutical care, collaboration with the multidisciplinary team, participation in clinical research, and promotion of evidence-based practice are essential for the comprehensive care of the oncology patient

Author Biographies

Diogo Neves Ferreira, Centro Universitário Uni LS. Brasília (DF)

Acadêmico de Farmácia - Centro universitário UNILS. Brasília, DF.

Beatriz Cristina da Silva Aguiar, Centro Universitário Uni LS. Brasília (DF)

Acadêmica de Farmácia - Centro universitário UNILS. Brasília, DF.

Kauan de Carvalho Estevo, Centro Universitário Uni LS. Brasília (DF)

Acadêmico de Farmácia - Centro universitário UNILS. Brasília, DF.

Vânia Caldas Rodrigues de Santana, Centro Universitário Uni LS. Brasília (DF)

Acadêmica de Farmácia - Centro universitário UNILS. Brasília, DF.

Kaio Gustavo Passos de Almeida, Centro Universitário Uni LS. Brasília (DF)

Acadêmico de Farmácia - Centro universitário UNILS. Brasília, DF.

Daniela Sant'Ana de Aquino, Centro Universitário Uni LS. Brasília (DF)

Orientadora. Biomédica. Mestre em Medicina Tropical pela Universidade de Brasília – UnB. Especialista em Biociências Forenses pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Goiás – PUC/Goiás. Professora do Centro Universitário UNILS, Brasília, DF.



How to Cite

Ferreira, D. N., Aguiar, B. C. da S., Estevo, K. de C., Santana, V. C. R. de, Almeida, K. G. P. de, & Aquino, D. S. de. (2023). Contributions of the pharmacist in pharmaceutical care for oncology patients: A systematic review of the literature : CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE PHARMACIST IN PHARMACEUTICAL CARE FOR ONCOLOGY PATIENTS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(10), 5620–5627.