
  • Thiago Juliani Furquim Centro Universitário do Paraná – UNIENSINO
  • Diego da Silva Centro Universitário do Paraná – UNIENSINO



Psychoanalysis. Infancy. Early childhood and Freud.


The aim of this article is to present the importance of the presence of parents in raising a child, and to elucidate to the reader the impacts of the presence of their parents/caregivers in early childhood, which for Freud corresponds to the psychosexual phase that goes from one day to six years, this phase is marked by different situations and many things will reflect on it in adulthood. It is understood that the effects of this presence have a great impact on the formation of the personality and the construction of self-esteem of this future adult, that is, a qualified presence is necessary so that the harmful effects are mitigated in the future. According to Freud, the psychosexual phase is formed by a series of constructs that must be monitored, so that the quality of relationships is preserved. In addition to all this, we can also answer the following questions: How important is the presence of parents in early childhood? Why is this first contact between the baby and the mother so important? As in childhood, can some trauma be remembered and experienced in adulthood, and what is the impact of this on adulthood? This is what we propose to discover while reading this article. For this, case studies or field survey research with interviews were not recommended due to the short time for delivery of the same, so a theoretical/bibliographical reference research was carried out in articles and qualitative exploration on the importance of the presence of parents in early childhood, as a way of offering the reader this material, and robustly elucidating the relevance of the topic not only today, but also much talked about in different cultural moments about this topic. In fact, a functional environment where there is: love, affection and care, will be much more appropriate than a dysfunctional environment. The behavior of children towards their families has been talked about and observed for a long time, but nowadays, much more importance and emphasis is given to the subject. Through many studies and clinical approaches, the child was observed through play, demonstrating how it works within their home, through play a lot can be said, in the child what the therapist/analyst must observe is the non-verbal , unlike adults. The presence of parents and genitors is extremely important for the reception and healthy growth of this child, as in adult life, much will radiate in their attitudes and other actions.

Author Biographies

Thiago Juliani Furquim, Centro Universitário do Paraná – UNIENSINO

Graduado em Administração e Psicologia e Pós-Graduado (MBA), em Marketing.
Centro Universitário do Paraná – UNIENSINO.

Diego da Silva, Centro Universitário do Paraná – UNIENSINO

Professor Universitário e graduado em psicologia- Centro Universitário do Paraná – UNIENSINO.



How to Cite

Furquim, T. J., & Silva, D. da. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF PARENTS’ PRESENCE IN EARLY CHILDHOOD: A LOOK FROM PSYCHOANALYSIS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(12), 566–586.