
  • Tais Cruz Tavares Holanda Centro Universitário Santa Maria
  • Pâmela Thayne Macêdo Sobreira Centro Universitário Santa Maria
  • Geane Silva Oliveira Centro Universitário Santa Maria
  • Anne Caroline de Souza Centro Universitário Santa Maria
  • Renata Lívia Silva Fônseca Moreira de Medeiros Centro Universitário Santa Maria



Quilombolas. Health Care. Nursing.


INTRODUCTION: Quilombos are communities formed by black people who fled slavery or resisted oppression and discrimination in racist societies. The difficulty in accessing health care for quilombolas is a complex and multifactorial problem, which involves issues such as the geographic distance of communities in relation to health services, the lack of adequate infrastructure for medical care and the social and economic inequality that often places them in a vulnerable situation The role of nursing is essential to guarantee access to healthcare for quilombola communities in Brazil. OBJECTIVE: To understand the role of nursing in providing assistance to the quilombola community. METHODOLOGY: This is an integrative review of the literature. To construct this study, in order to answer the guiding question: “What is the nursing role in the quilombola community?” The VHL was used, through the online databases: LILACS, MEDLINE and BDENF, through the descriptors registered in the Health Science Descriptors (DECS): Quilombolas, Health Care, Nursing, combined with the Boolean operator “AND” Dessa Therefore, for the selection of these, you will obtain the inclusion criteria: all articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, full text, published in the last five years. After a search, 104 documents were selected, in which the exclusion and inclusion criteria were used, leaving 48 for reading and selection. And soon after, 36 remained to be read in full, and thus eight articles were selected to prepare the results of this work. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS: The quilombola way of life is marked by Afro-descendant aspects, such as family ties and cultural and religious expressions. In communities, cultural preservation is essential, and nurses build their practice through respect for local culture, strengthening bonds with residents. This results in a partnership of shared care between quilombolas and nursing professionals. CONCLUSION: The work of nurses in quilombola communities recognizes the social and cultural particularities of these groups of African descent, promoting an integration of care based on relationships of shared responsibility between individuals and health professionals.

Author Biographies

Tais Cruz Tavares Holanda, Centro Universitário Santa Maria

Acadêmica de enfermagem pelo Centro Universitário Santa Maria, Cajazeiras, PB.

Pâmela Thayne Macêdo Sobreira, Centro Universitário Santa Maria

Acadêmica de enfermagem pelo Centro Universitário Santa Maria, Cajazeiras, PB.

Geane Silva Oliveira, Centro Universitário Santa Maria

Enfermeira mestre formada pela UFPB, João Pessoa, PB. Docente do Centro Universitário Santa Maria, Cajazeiras, PB. 

Anne Caroline de Souza, Centro Universitário Santa Maria

 Enfermeira formada pelo Centro Universitário Santa Maria, Cajazeiras, PB. Docente do Centro Universitário Santa Maria, Cajazeiras, PB. 

Renata Lívia Silva Fônseca Moreira de Medeiros, Centro Universitário Santa Maria

Enfermeira Doutora pela Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo, FCMSCSP. Docente do Centro Universitário Santa Maria, Cajazeiras, PB. 



How to Cite

Holanda, T. C. T., Sobreira, P. T. M., Oliveira, G. S., Souza, A. C. de, & Medeiros, R. L. S. F. M. de. (2023). NURSING IN HEALTH CARE IN THE QUILOMBOLA COMMUNITY. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(10), 5855–5868.