
  • Michelli Carla de Souza Institucional Ulbra
  • Ellen Simone Alves de Souza Unopar
  • Marinalva Paulo da Silva Institucional Univest
  • Girlene Gomes de Aquino Baleeiro fael
  • Geicile Gomes Barbosa Fael



Paulo Freire. Pedagogical practices. Education.


This research aims to approach rural education from the perspective of author Paulo Freire. Alternative paths are sought through the aforementioned author's postulates, towards improvements that make teaching and learning more efficient and adequate to the unique and hybrid contemporaneity, where the extremes of access to opportunities are more evident and almost insurmountable. In this thinking, we will analyze the work Pedagogy of Autonomy by Paulo Freire as a starting point, which brings us proposals for pedagogical practices necessary for education, especially those aimed at the popular classes. Thus, we seek to analyze to what extent the pedagogy proposed by Paulo Freire can be seen as a construction capable of contributing to the consolidation of a pedagogy for the education of the popula classes and that intends to assert itself as a privileged space/time, articulated by different subjective contexts, social and cultural, where students can be assumed as critical and creative subjects.

Author Biographies

Michelli Carla de Souza, Institucional Ulbra

Pedagogia e serviço social, pós-graduação em psicopedagogia institucional Ulbra / unopar.

Ellen Simone Alves de Souza, Unopar

Pedagogia pós-graduação: regência nos anos iniciais e educação infantil, Unopar.

Marinalva Paulo da Silva, Institucional Univest

Pedagogia, pós-graduação em psicopedagogia Institucional Univest. 

Girlene Gomes de Aquino Baleeiro, fael

Pedagogia, fael.

Geicile Gomes Barbosa, Fael

Pedagogia - pós-graduação em educação infantil, Fael.



How to Cite

Souza, M. C. de, Souza, E. S. A. de, Silva, M. P. da, Baleeiro, G. G. de A., & Barbosa, G. G. (2023). PAULO FREIRE: THE DIVERSITY OF EDUCATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(10), 3470–3478.