
  • Thifisson Ribeiro de Souza Universidade de Rio Verde
  • Beatriz Lopes Universidade Nove de Julho-UNINOVE
  • Gustavo Guerra Pacheco Mendes Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde-ESCS-DF
  • Eric Lorenzeto Cardoso Universidade de Rio Verde (UniRV)
  • Henrique Lorenzeto Cardoso Universidade Federal do Tocantins




Acute abdomen. Signs and Symptoms. General Surgery.


Acute abdomen syndrome can be characterized by non-traumatic and sudden abdominal pain, which may or may not be associated with other signs and symptoms. In these cases, the need or not for a surgical approach must be assessed when investigating a possible diagnosis of the patient. Bearing in mind the great importance of this topic for public health in general, this narrative literature review brought together articles from the PUBMED database aiming to explore in the selected literature the most frequent causes of acute abdomen according to its subtypes, in addition to pointing out the difference between them from the point of view of the incidence of associated signs and symptoms. It was concluded that the signs and symptoms of acute abdomen subtypes (inflammatory, perforative, obstructive, hemorrhagic and vascular) may indicate differences between them. It can be inferred that the most common causes are the following: non-specific abdominal pain, acute appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, perforated peptic ulcer, acute diverticulitis, acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis and acute salpingitis.

Author Biographies

Thifisson Ribeiro de Souza, Universidade de Rio Verde

Graduando em Medicina pela Universidade de Rio Verde (UniRV). 

Beatriz Lopes, Universidade Nove de Julho-UNINOVE

Graduanda em Medicina pela Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE). 

Gustavo Guerra Pacheco Mendes, Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde-ESCS-DF

Médico pela Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde (ESCS-DF). 

Eric Lorenzeto Cardoso, Universidade de Rio Verde (UniRV)

Médico pela Universidade de Rio Verde (UniRV).

Henrique Lorenzeto Cardoso, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Médico pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT) e Residente em Cirurgia Geral pelo Hospital Regional de Asa Norte (HRAN). 



How to Cite

Souza, T. R. de, Lopes, B., Mendes, G. G. P., Cardoso, E. L., & Cardoso, H. L. (2023). TYPES OF ACUTE ABDOMEN: CLINICAL AND SURGICAL APPROACH. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(10), 1618–1623. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v9i10.11762