
  • Eny Vidal Rodrigues Uninassau
  • Cristiane Maia da Silva Servio Uninassau
  • Carolina Ribeiro Garcia Montai de Lima Uninassau



Right to Education. Social Inclusion. COVID-19.


With the closure of schools and the suspension of in-person classes, a new remote teaching model was adopted which, in turn, exposed the wide gap between students with access to technological resources and those who face socioeconomic and geographic barriers, all due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This panorama led to the need to revisit the right to education from a contemporary perspective, questioning how the pandemic impacted the effective exercise of this right and what strategies were adopted to face this situation. The article addresses the right to education in the legal universe, highlighting the legal bases that support this right and its relationship with other fundamental rights. The need for an education anchored in values ​​is emphasized, seeking an authentic humanization of society. The research methodology adopted was a literature review, with the survey and critical analysis of legal documents, doctrines, scientific articles and government reports that address the right to education in the context of the pandemic. Therefore, in view of this, it should be noted that the pandemic highlighted educational inequalities and the challenges in guaranteeing the right to education in times of crisis, thus leading us to see that the country was not prepared for everything that was faced.


Author Biographies

Eny Vidal Rodrigues, Uninassau

Graduando do Curso de Direito da Uninassau/Cacoal. 

Cristiane Maia da Silva Servio, Uninassau

Professora Doutora do Curso de Direito Uninassau/Cacoal.

Carolina Ribeiro Garcia Montai de Lima, Uninassau

Professor Mestre do Curso de Direito Uninassau/Cacoal.



How to Cite

Rodrigues, E. V., Servio, C. M. da S., & Lima, C. R. G. M. de. (2023). THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(10), 2058–2074.

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