
  • Elaine Gaiva Leal
  • Maria Cristina Pinheiro da Silva




Formação Continuada; Formação Profissional; Saberes, Docência.


The present study is part of the research line: “Teaching knowledge and the continuing education of teachers”. This article analyzes the consequences in the last decades. It is a qualitative bibliographic research, using sources in suggested articles, sources, data in Course Conclusion Papers, allowing reflection in the face of multiple looks, recognizing subsidies that cooperate both in training moments and in teacher training. The teacher more than ever needs to keep himself well informed and updated not only in relation to the facts and events, but in relation to pedagogical practices and new educational trends. Where there is a contradictory and antagonistic circumstance in view, there is an effort to rectify distant teaching norms from an external logic, in which educators do not participate. It is already known that it is the duty of the State to promote the training of teachers, offering preparation for the exercise of the profession in accordance with the guidelines and goals of national education. Taking into account, in 2009 the national policy for training professionals in basic education was created and anticipates the action of CAPs, the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, and promotes the Initial and Continuing Training Program.

Author Biographies

Elaine Gaiva Leal

Licenciatura plena em Pedagogia; e Especialista em Psicopedagogia Clínica e Institucional.

Maria Cristina Pinheiro da Silva

Licenciatura plena em Pedagogia; e Especialista em Psicopedagogia.



How to Cite

Leal, E. G., & Silva, M. C. P. da. (2023). TEACHING KNOWLEDGE AND CONTINUING TEACHER TRAINING. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(10), 1452–1468. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v9i10.11715