
  • Vitória Tayrini Santos de Oliveira da Costa Universidade Brasil
  • Marcelo Rodrigo de Matos Pedreiro Universidade Brasil




Civil construction. COVID-19. Lockdown. Brazilian GDP.


In Wuhan, China, in 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic began, a global disease that killed thousands of people, economically reaching all countries indistinctly and in Brazil it was no different, there were countless losses and the resumption is being slow and gradual in all sectors. Among the losses, it is necessary to identify that the civil construction sector was largely affected, especially at times when lockdowns were decreed, people were quarantined and carried out their work at home offices. Something worrying, since the civil construction sector is one of the most important drivers through its internal demands and jobs generated in the country. The sector was extremely impacted by the restrictive measures to combat the pandemic and in 2020, it recorded the worst rates. However, some factors such as the creation of new hospitals and clinics, as well as the work carried out at home, somehow contributed to the civil construction sector being the pioneer in economic recovery and to better understand this whole process, the present work had with the objective of discussing the main elements involved in this process, for that purpose, the main problems faced during the pandemic period will be reported, the main growth indicators and perspectives of the civil construction sector, as well as the “boom” of the sector and the elements that have been maintaining the heated sector and what will be the challenges to maintain the growth and expansion of the sector.

Author Biographies

Vitória Tayrini Santos de Oliveira da Costa, Universidade Brasil

Graduanda em Engenharia Civil. Universidade Brasil, campus Fernandópolis.

Marcelo Rodrigo de Matos Pedreiro, Universidade Brasil

Engenheiro Civil, Formado em Engenharia civil pela universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, orientador do curso de Engenharia Civil na universidade Brasil campus Fernandópolis



How to Cite

Costa, V. T. S. de O. da, & Pedreiro, M. R. de M. (2023). EFFECT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON THE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(10), 636–652. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v9i10.11644