
  • Amadeu de Magalhães Queiroz Rede Municipal de Educação de Cuiabá- MT
  • Maria do Socorro Medeiros Versiani Sal Rede Municipal de Educação de Cuiabá- MT
  • Nirley Nilza Silva UNEMAT



Reflections. Knowledge and Evaluate.


This article's premise is Evaluation, talking about Evaluation is proposing reflections, we have many theorists who support the topic, what to evaluate? How to evaluate, why evaluate? What are the objectives of this assessment? How relevant is this assessment for the person being assessed? These are questions that permeate and need to be very clear, with proposals that can make this process a means for learning and qualification. In the broad sense of the word evaluate, which has always been present in our lives, each person in their own moment with their specificities, above all is being evaluated. It is also important to evaluate yourself, is my tool or my perspective qualified for such an analysis? Knowledge about the socio-historical and cultural context is extremely important, as we are unique beings and protagonists of our own stories.

Author Biographies

Amadeu de Magalhães Queiroz, Rede Municipal de Educação de Cuiabá- MT

Licenciado em Artes Visuais pela UNEMAT / MT,2017/2021. Efetivo da Rede Municipal de Educação de Cuiabá/MT.

Maria do Socorro Medeiros Versiani Sal, Rede Municipal de Educação de Cuiabá- MT

Licenciada em Pedagogia pela UNOPAR/PR- 2016. Servidora efetiva da Rede Municipal de Educação de Cuiabá/MT.

Nirley Nilza Silva, UNEMAT

Graduada em Pedagogia (UNOPAR), graduada em Artes Visuais (UNEMAT), Pós-graduada em Psicopedagogia, Especialização em Educação Infantil, Professor Efetivo da Rede Municipal de Educação de Cuiabá e atualmente atua como Diretora da Creche Municipal Professor Aecim Tocantins




How to Cite

Queiroz, A. de M., Sal, M. do S. M. V., & Silva, N. N. (2023). REFLECTIONS ON EVALUATIONS IN THE SCHOOL CONTEXT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(9), 444–451.