
  • Isabela Nicolato Ferreira UNIPAC
  • Ana Luísa da Silva Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Lais Nadille Lins Coelho Estácio Juazeiro Bahia
  • Rebeca da Silva Gama UNEB
  • Juliana Sales dos Santos Universidade Salvador



Reconstructive Plastic Surgery. Quality of life. Medical Advances.


Reconstructive plastic surgery plays a crucial role in restoring the quality of life of patients facing congenital deformities, trauma, oncological surgeries and other medical challenges that affect their physical integrity and psychological well-being. This article offers a comprehensive review of the latest trends and advances in the field of reconstructive plastic surgery, highlighting the fundamental importance of this medical discipline. The review covers a number of relevant topics, including innovative reconstruction techniques, advances in 3D printing of organs and tissues, gene therapy applied to tissue regeneration, as well as the ethical and social implications associated with reconstructive plastic surgery. Furthermore, it examines the significant impact of these approaches on improving patients' quality of life, addressing physical, emotional and social aspects. The article also highlights current and future challenges faced by healthcare professionals in the pursuit of excellence in reconstructive plastic surgery, including the need for equity in access to procedures and the importance of effective communication with patients. The role of reconstructive plastic surgery as an integral part of modern medicine is emphasized, underlining its ability to restore not only the physical form but also the dignity and self-esteem of patients. In conclusion, this article offers an in-depth look at the latest innovations in surgery reconstructive plastic surgery and its impact on patients’ quality of life. By exploring advanced approaches, ethical considerations, and future directions, the ongoing importance of this discipline in restoring the well-being and global health of individuals is highlighted.

Author Biographies

Isabela Nicolato Ferreira, UNIPAC


Ana Luísa da Silva, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. 

Lais Nadille Lins Coelho, Estácio Juazeiro Bahia

Estácio Juazeiro Bahia.

Rebeca da Silva Gama, UNEB


Juliana Sales dos Santos, Universidade Salvador

Universidade Salvador.  



How to Cite

Ferreira, I. N., Silva, A. L. da, Coelho, L. N. L., Gama, R. da S., & Santos, J. S. dos. (2023). RECONSTRUCTIVE PLASTIC SURGERY: RESTORING QUALITY OF LIFE. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(8), 2281–2286.