
  • Heverton Ferreira de Oliveira Veni Creator Christian University
  • Eloy Pereira Mendes Junior Veni Creator Christian University




Rights. Children. Adolescents. and Human Rights.


This article has as its theme “Rights and Guarantees of Children and Adolescents with Support in Human Rights”, and how does the violation of the rights and guarantees of children and adolescents in the national scenario affect development? With the initial purpose of bringing data on the violence suffered against children and adolescents throughout the territory of the Brazilian federation, thus evidencing a terrible violation of the rights and guarantees of children and adolescents, causing irreparable trauma to these victims and tainting their purity and innocence. of these victimized children and adolescents. Then, as a body that guarantees the rights of children and adolescents, the (ECA) “Statute of Children and Adolescents” created by Federal Law No. Federal as a body that also acts in the guarantees of Brazilian children and adolescents. It will also address the vision and performance of Human Rights in crimes of violence against children and adolescents in Brazil. Finally, some suggestions will be listed so that these rights and guarantees are, in fact, applied effectively and efficiently in favor of the Brazilian child and adolescent; It was verified as the main result that violence and violations of the rights and guarantees of children and adolescents have been causing great damage, and in short, there must be greater attention on the part of the public power so that there are public policies aimed at minimizing violations of rights. and positive guarantees in the Brazilian legal system, where the institutions responsible for the applicability carry out their duties and raise awareness of society so that it can demand such effectiveness. The research method used was the bibliographical and documentary exploratory, using works on the subject, in addition to documents available on the website of organs, using in this way both the qualitative approach and the quantitative approach.

Author Biographies

Heverton Ferreira de Oliveira, Veni Creator Christian University

Mestrando em Ciências Jurídicas pela Veni Creator Christian University. Pós-graduado em Direito Penal e Processual Penal pela Universidade Cândido Mendes, no Rio de Janeiro, no ano de 2020. Graduado em Direito pela (AESGA), no ano de 2017. 

Eloy Pereira Mendes Junior, Veni Creator Christian University

Pós-doutor em direito pela PUC-MG (2018). Doutor em direito empresarial pela UFMG (2007), mestre (2002) e especializações (direito interdisciplinar). Foi bolsista da CAPES em estágio doutoral na Universidade Clássica de Lisboa (2005) e como professor pesquisador da FUNDEP-UFMG em 2013.Avaliador de cursos de direito pelo INEP-MEC (desde 2010). Professor titular do doutorado, mestrado e graduação em direito da Universidade de Itaúna (desde 2011). Foi professor titular na graduação e especializações de diversas IES. Experiência acadêmica na área de direito privado, com ênfase em direito empresarial e em direitos humanos. 



How to Cite

Oliveira, H. F. de, & Mendes Junior, E. P. (2023). RIGHTS AND GUARANTEES OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH THE SUPPORT OF HUMAN RIGHTS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(7), 1865–1887. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v9i7.10775