
  • Fabiana Arcanja dos Santos Faculdade Candido Mendes



Disseminação seletiva de editais. Editais de inovação. Pesquisa de intenção de uso.


This experience report refers to the development of a relevant proposal in the process of accessing information in the areas of innovation, science, technology and entrepreneurship with regard to the current public notices available in the main government funding agencies, such as CNPq, FINEP and CAPES, as well as publicly traded companies, such as Petrobrás and Eletrobras, development agencies in Bahia, such as FAPESB, Coelba and Chesf, and the private company Sebrae. expanding the flow of information in this context. aiming at this opportunity to present the screens and part of the contents of the application (INOVCTE), a tool developed to provide the academic community from students, professors and other interested parties, the possibility of facilitating the search for public notices in a centralized way in a database, as well as demonstrating the positive result of the intention to use survey, via the survey monkey form, with a view to signaling the high interest of survey participants in promoting this application, representing a relevant sample to boost new practices in this area. Problem. Insufficiency of platforms that promote access to the selective dissemination of information gathered, for free notices on innovation, science, technology and entrepreneurship. Goal. Enable broad access to the promotion of innovation, science, technology and entrepreneurship notices, aiming to establish a connection between interested parties and institutions that promote these funding notices and partnerships in a single environment and demonstrate the positive result of the survey of intention to use the App, via the survey monkey form , as well as displaying screens and part of the application's contents. Method. qualitative and quantitative research, using web prospecting, in governmental and public private databases to identify the occurrence and availability of their APIS (code that allows the transmission of data) to proceed automatically or by artificial intelligence, application development and research form of intention of use. Results. Only paid services for selective dissemination of information on financing and partnerships were found in the period; institutions could not contribute with their APIS. The research design was configured in this sense, to develop an application to primarily remedy the deficit in the promotion of public notices of some public-private institutions. In this sense, an App with INPI certification was developed, published in the Play store for Android and an article about the research was published. Conclusion. Having developed the INOVCTE application on the kodular platform, the collection of reports on innovation notices for science, technology and entrepreneurship was carried out manually, as well as inserted into the web system, news sites referring to various innovations implemented daily. Hopefully, institutions will be more willing to contribute by making their public data available for research.

Author Biography

Fabiana Arcanja dos Santos, Faculdade Candido Mendes

Especialista em Docência do ensino superior- Faculdade Candido Mendes.



How to Cite

Santos, F. A. dos. (2023). RESEARCH REPORT: DEVELOPMENT OF AN APPLICATION FOR THE DISSEMINATION OF INNOVATION NOTICES, INOVCTE. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(7), 664–685.