
  • Ana Vitória Gomes Alves Centro Universitário Unifavip Wyden
  • Darcy Pereira Fernandes Filho Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará
  • Ariane Gleyse Azevedo Pinheiro Faculdade Estácio
  • Gabriel Victor Moreira Santos Centro Universitário AGES



Monkeypox, Monkeypox, Laboratory Diagnosis.


A public health emergency of international concern was declared by the World Health Organization on July 23, 2022, for monkeypox virus. It is a viral zoonosis that can be transmitted by direct or indirect contact, being more incident in immunocompromised hosts and in pregnant women the susceptibility is greater. However, for individuals previously vaccinated against smallpox, it has been described that there may be immunity against monkeypox by cross-protection. This research aims to describe the characteristics of the pathogen-host relationship and diagnosis, component elements for the study of the structuring of the response in the fight against the pandemic. This study is based on a literature review, in which the search and analysis of articles of interest occurs. 15 articles were selected that were with the theme chosen to be evaluated in the review. The clinical presentation described consists of fever, lymphadenopathy and papulopustular rash. The rash goes through several stages of evolution from macules, papules, vesicles, pustules and crusts. The investigation of a suspected case should include complementary tests to make the differential diagnosis with some sexually transmitted infections and common causes of maculopapular or vesicular rash. In Brazil, suspected patients must have samples collected for diagnostic confirmation by polymerase chain reaction, serological tests are useful in specific situations, when there is no possibility of using a virological sample, but they can provide false-positive results in people vaccinated against smallpox. As there is no specific treatment, for most patients, treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Currently, it is necessary to direct actions to promote effective methods of epidemiological surveillance and increasing adequacy of the unified health system for timely diagnosis and treatment.



How to Cite

Alves, A. V. G., Fernandes Filho, D. P., Pinheiro, A. G. A., & Santos, G. V. M. (2023). MONKEYPOX: A NEW PANDEMIC THREAT? VIRUS IMMUNOLOGY AND DIAGNOSIS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 1(1), 616–623.