
  • Lidiane dos Anjos Oliveira UniAges
  • Nivia Ramos de Carvalho UniAges
  • Natalia de Jesus Santos Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Camila de Barros Santos UniAges
  • Josefa Francielly Matos Santos UniAges
  • Lucas dos Santos Gonçalves UniAges
  • Gabriele Silva Faria UniAges
  • Ananda Almeida Santana Ribeiro Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS



Acne vulgaris. Dermato-functional physiotherapy. Microneedling. Skin cleansing. Chemical peel.


The acne is a dermatology disease that comes during the teenage period,mainly,and causes, besides the physiological changes causes also some psychologistical ones. It may occurs from a malfunction when the fat production,where the presence of the bacteria so called Propiosibacterium acnes (P. canes) eigher by hormonal problems or deregulated diet. Acne is classified as inflammatory and non-inflammatory. The degree I presents comedones that can be opened to close, considered the slightest form of acne; grade II presents acne with pus; grade III presents nodules; degree IV there is the training of abscesses. Depending on your degree, acne can generate scarring on the skin, called rolling, icepik and boxcar. Dermato-functional physiotherapy is an area that has grown and provides resources for the treatment of aesthetic dysfunctions, which enhance all aesthetic aspects, to recover the functionality of body systems. Before common use of the poorest resources used for the treatment of skin cleanliness, chemical peeling and micro-water. This study aimed to understand the relevance of dermatofunctional physiotherapy applied to the treatment of acne vulgaris. It was presented as specific objectives: to analyze the techniques available in dermatofunctional that best apply to the treatment of acne, and to know the main effects that an aesthetic dysfunction can cause in the skin. So how to promote the diffusion of dermatofunctional among the profane, as well as among students and professionals in the field who can arouse interest in the theme. Also, increase the amount of scientific work on the topic presented. While investigating methodology, this is an integrative review, carried out at Centro Universitário Ages, Paripiranga-Bahia. When a database search was performed: Medline / PubMed, LILACS, SciElo, if the following descriptors were used: "acne", "Physiotherapy" "therapeutic" "piel" "dermatofunctional". Limiting the languages in English, Spanish and Portuguese, to studies carried out with human beings, to complete texts and to themes compatible with those investigated in this work, with temporary limitations in the period of publication from 2010 to 2020. The results of the investigations we demonstrated that the skin cleaning techniques, micro-sponges and chemical peels were effective for the treatment of common acne, improving the acne degree, the skin texture and improving the scars. The final considerations corroborate the results, showing the effectiveness and safety of the techniques approached for the treatment of common acne.



How to Cite

Oliveira, L. dos A., Carvalho, N. R. de, Santos, N. de J., Santos, C. de B., Santos, J. F. M., Gonçalves, L. dos S., … Ribeiro, A. A. S. (2023). DERMATOFUNCTIONAL PHYSIOTHERAPY APPLIED TO ACNE VULGAR: AN INTEGRATIVE REVIEW. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 1(1), 304–319.